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What happens to your Facebook and Instagram accounts when you die


Here we solve the doubt about what happens to these social networks when we die.

Sooner or later, preferably late, the time comes for all of us to die, so it is always good to leave everything, as far as possible, well tied up. Among all the aspects that are part of our day to day, those that when the time comes we will have to leave resolved, we have social networks, a practically fundamental element in our routine.

For this reason, you may be wondering what happens to these at the moment of our death. So, here we are, to tell you in this post what happens with, in this case, your Instagram and Facebook accounts when you die.

What happens to your Facebook account when you die?

Facebook allows you to convert deceased accounts into memorials

In the case of Facebook, your account can be converted into a commemorative profile in case you die. This basically serves so that your family and friends can share certain moments who have lived with you. Of course, not everyone can access your account, since Facebook will let you choose, in life, of course; a person to be in charge of managing the profile and accessing some of its options.

It is worth mentioning that, once you have died, the person in charge of your account, we hope it will be in a long time, will not be able to log in to your account, nor see your messages, nor delete old publications, among other things. Essentially, what you can do is publish certain posts or update the profile pictureand a few other functions.

Therefore, one of the functions that the person in charge of your account can carry out is that of delete the profile itself, as well as download a copy of its content. But well, before that, as we have said, you will have to choose the person responsible for performing the mentioned functions, something that you will have to do entering the General profile settingsthere you can edit everything you need.

By the way, this business of choosing a person to take care of your Facebook profile, just will be valid for main accountsleaving additional profiles without this function.

What happens to your Instagram account when you die

What happens to your Facebook and Instagram accounts when you die

Instagram also has its methods to manage the account of a deceased

Although Instagram belongs to Facebook, or Meta if you prefer, the process is somewhat different. The social network of photos and stories does not share the same administration policies in those cases. Therefore, if you want to convert an account into a memorial account, in the event that you have to be the one to take charge of the profile of a deceased person, you will have to submit to Instagram the following documents specific:

  • The birth certificate of the deceased.
  • The death certificate.
  • A proof, according to the local legislation, of the designated user to administer the networks.

In addition, in the event that the person in charge of your account is a direct relative, he You can request that the account be removed from Instagram. To do it, here we leave you the formula.

On the other hand, once the account has been made memorial, Instagram configures such a profile in the news of contacts or followers, to prevent, go. To tell the truth, a commemorative account on Instagram does not allow anyone to log inamong other restrictions.

This profile, unlike the Facebook profile, does not appear very different from other accounts under normal conditions, so the publications that were there are still available for people who follow the account. Of course, this profile, be it yours or that of a friend or family member, will not appear in the Explore section.

Related topics: Social media


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