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what happens to those who don’t pay it? The real risks you may not know about

Failure to pay the Rai license fee can be considered to all intents and purposes as tax evasion. Here is what is encountered in these cases

The Revenue Agency can intervene promptly and inflict serious penalties on anyone who is not up to date with payments.

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The Rai license fee it is one of the best known and indigestible taxes for Italians. Over the years, many have tried to refrain from paying it, but for some time it has become difficult to circumvent it.

In fact, it arrives directly on the home electricity bill. Usually the charge is 9 euro monthly from January to October for those who receive it every month. Who is delivered to each 2 months the fee is 18 euros for each bill. Regardless of the two modes, the annual amount is always 90 euros.

Unpaid Rai license fee: the consequences can be quite drastic

The only legal way to prevent tax being charged is to send it to theRevenue Agency a self-certification of non-detention. In doing so, the citizen claims that he does not have any kind of television set at home.

In almost all other cases, discounts are not allowed (click here to find out about the other situations in which you can avoid paying the Rai license fee). Which is why it is necessary to pay what is due in order to avoid serious problems.

The Tax if he ascertains non-payments, he can carry out the necessary investigations and apply the consequent ones sanctions where it is found that the citizen is actually not in compliance. You risk a penalty even 6 times the amount of the fee itself, or up to 540 euro.

Another circumstance is that of the untruthfulness of the substitutive declaration of non-detention. In these cases the articles 75 and 76 of Presidential Decree number 445 of 2000which provides for the application of the Penal Code for false declarations and false documents. It also loses any benefits granted.

So basically the evasion of the RAI license like any other failure to pay tax it can have significant consequences. In short, before proceeding with attitudes from “Crafty” it would be advisable to stop and think about what can arise, which certainly does not lead to anything good and sensible.

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