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what happens to those who are lucky

If you are one of those people who think that winning the lottery will solve all your problems, you better think again. Winning the LOT is probably one of the fastest and safest ways to ruin your life, and here’s why.

Even if the chances of winning the LOT are very small, even close to zero, at the same time if you are one of the lucky ones, you find that things are not exactly as you imagined. The truth is, even if you won the lottery, it won’t fix everything. Winning the lottery just means you’ll have a whole new set of problems to deal with.

Your chances of winning the lottery are infinitely small, around 1 in 302,575,350. There are many other things that you have a higher chance of happening to you, such as a 3,748,067 chance of being attacked by a shark or a 60 million chance of having twins. Even though it sounds ridiculous, it’s because you will only be wasting time and money.

Although most of the players they are aware that the chances of winning the prize are extremely small, they continue to invest their money in this game. Well, they’re looking for a rescue and nothing else. They think they need a big win to pay off debts, buy a house, or save for retirement. In their minds, the lottery represents a new beginning and the promise of a life of luxury.

Even if you end up winning the LOT, it won’t bring you happiness

But unfortunately, it’s all just a well-marketed dream. The truth is far less fascinating. Getting hold of such a sum of money will cause both acquaintances and strangers to contact you. Far away cousins ​​you never knew existed and letters full of sobbing stories from strangers will storm you to “eat a piece of your pie”.

In 2007, Donna Mikkin was successful and won $ 34.5 million in the lottery New York state. He thought his life would only be brilliant from now on, this dream life didn’t turn out to be what seemed ideal. Winning the lottery has put her on the path of “emotional failure”.

So, if you are looking for financial peace of mind, know that you will not find it in a huge lottery win. The lottery game is a guaranteed way to lose money fast. And more often than not, it’s a huge tax for people who really can’t afford it. You may have noticed that millionaires don’t play this game.

Research shows that people who earn less play more. According to a University of Buffalo study, gambling is twice as likely in neighborhoods with the highest levels of poverty. 28% of Americans in the lowest income bracket play the lottery once a week.

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