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What happens to the debt in Infonavit if the worker dies?

When you buy a home, we could say that it is one of the most important personal investments that are made, since you stop paying rent, you dedicate yourself to furnishing it and everything you need to live in it, which generates satisfaction.

But as time goes by, doubts may begin to arise in relation to what would happen to your home credit, in case your family was missing it, so here we tell you what happens with the debt in Infonavit if the worker dies.

What happens to the debt in Infonavit if the worker dies? Photo: Reformation.

What happens to the debt in Infonavit if the worker dies?

If you are absent, you have insurance, so it is important that at the time you process your home loan, you assign the beneficiaries that you consider necessary, so that in the event of death, you stipulate who will stay with the house, so that they request the release of the debt and the cancellation of the debt.

The relatives of the deceased must immediately notify Infonavit about the event and present the corresponding documentation, because if you do not report as soon as possible the credit will continue in force and the beneficiaries will not be able to release it.

It is important that as a living creditor, you know that the person who will have the right to claim your house (in the event that you have not left a will) will be the beneficiary you have designated before the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), or in where appropriate, the person designated as such by the Federal Conciliation and Arbitration Board. (JFCA).


  • Original and copy of the death certificate of the borrower.
  • Original and copy of the applicant’s birth certificate.
  • Original and copy of official identification of the borrower.
  • Original and copy of official identification of the applicant.
  • Apostilled death certificate (only in case the borrower has died abroad).
  • Spousal letter of credit, if any.

There are times when the insurance is not valid, when you misuse the home, such as criminal acts, or if the payments are not up to date, so it is important that these points are verified, so that you are prepared in case of a death.

Finally, it should be mentioned that the procedures have no cost and in case you have any questions or clarifications, you can call 800 008 3900 or go to the nearest Infonavit office.

More information in our Credits section.

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