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what happens to price increases. Important news for Italians

But what is happening to the fuel? From tomorrow everything changes! Here are the latest news on the price hikes situation.

Person refueling the car – Image from Pixabay

The situation expensive fuel it seems more and more unstoppable. In recent days, Italy has been hit by a rise in fuel prices like never before.

In fact, across the country, it has become almost impossible to find a distributor with fuel prices below 2 euro.

Italy is literally on its knees due to this sudden price spike, due in part to world political situation.

The situation between Russia ed Ukrainein fact, it has not benefited our country at all, as Russia is one of our main suppliers of oil and gas.

In fact, there are already several companies that have decided to temporarily interrupt supplies from the Soviet country, further perpetuating the increase in the cost of crude oil per barrel.

An example is the Shell, the well-known British multinational that operates in the oil sector which has recently completely cut off supplies to Russia. A choice that could lead to a chain reaction from many other companies in the sector.

In short, the situation is not the best and prices are increasingly rising. Fortunately to cope with this situation the Draghi government has devised a maneuver to at least partially reduce costs and avoid repercussions on the national economy.

The Draghi Government’s measure to cut costs and the debate with the CGIA

gasoline price rise
Gasoline price at a petrol station – Image from Pixabay

It’s a few hours ago there Press conference where the chairman of the board Mario Draghi showed some plan guidelines to cover the reduction of fuel costs.

These reductions are made possible by the taxation of extra-profits from energy companies. Thanks to these extra profits they would be cut off nicely 25 cents from the price of diesel and petrol, so as to allow Italians, albeit in a minimal form, a respite from the continuous increases, such as the dear bills.

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However, there is no agreement on this Cgia of Mestre which states that the government can do much more to cut costs.

The Mestre Association has highlighted how a cut of 25 cents brings the cost of petrol to about € 1.93 per liter and of diesel to € 1.91 per liter. Effective cuts but not enough to give a substantial hand to all those citizens who use the car.

It must be said that this maneuver costs a lot 800 million euros to the government, an already high and hardly sustainable figure. The CGIA proposal would instead be to further reduce the excise duty of 50%coming to cost gasoline and diesel, 1.78 and 1.74 euros per liter respectively.

To implement this proposal, however, the state would have to support one monthly expense said i 1.5 billion eurosa figure even more difficult to sustain, given the delicate historical period in which we find ourselves.

To suffer most from this situation are the small hauliers who have to incur expenses that they would not be able to meet, thus penalizing their business.

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Only the trucks with a total mass greater than 7.5 tonsin fact, they receive a partial refund on excise duties. Unfortunately, however, only 8% of the trucks that are registered in Italy have a mass greater than this figure.

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