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What happens in the body if you eat 2 bananas a day?

Integrating the habit of consuming two bananas a day is synonymous with health, it is the best ally to lose weight, regulate blood pressure, fight diabetes and improve digestion

The banana (banana banana) is a tropical fruit that belongs to the family of musaceae, its peculiar thick yellow shell It is the perfect packaging to preserve its qualities intact organoleptics. It is one of the most popular fruits and consumed worldwide, among its most prominent qualities It is found to be one of the fruits found available year-round is why your timelessness makes it one of the sources of basic energy

About the nutritional properties of bananas:

  • One of the nutritional benefits most prominent of the bananas lies in his great mineral wealth in which his magnificent contribution stands out in potassium, also provides good levels of magnesium and phosphorus
  • At the same time it is a fruit famous for its high content in folic acid, vitamins C and E, beta carotene and an outstanding contribution in fiber.
  • Practically does not contain fats and is excess cholesterol

The benefits of eating two bananas a day:

Experts in nutrition and medicine have checked the Benefits of integrating into our daily diet 2 bananas, between the main reactions That will present The following stand out in the body:

1. Blood pressure will be normalized

One of the most great virtues of the consumption of bananas daily is that it is a great natural remedy with a great capacity to regulate the high levels you pressure arterial, this is mainly due to its high content in potassium that oscillates between 420 mg considering the intake of two pieces of bananas a day.

2. You will lose weight

The banana is one of the best allies for lose weight naturally, this is mainly due to its high fiber content that positively influences accelerating intestinal transit and also gives a pleasant feeling of satiety That avoids cravings. It also stands out for its content in a resistant starch, a substance that works for inhibit the appetite, prevents let’s gain weight and has the great peculiarity of reducing sugar levels in the blood.

3. It will improve your digestion

The banana contains a type of fiber It is known as fructo-oligosaccharides and stand out for their ability to help speed up and improve the intestinal transit. Additionally this type of fiber when fermented in the intestinal flora, has the peculiarity of generating substances that benefit the immune system. Another of his greats benefits is that it is a noble fruit that does not irritate the digestible tract, at the same time its content in resistant starch that is not digested arrives directly at large intestine to promote the Healthy bacteria growth.

4. They will increase your energy levels

One of the great benefits of banana is his high nutritional value which in general is a great ally to naturally increase the energy levels and optimize the physical and mental performance Specifically your contribution in vitamin B6, helps the body produce much more easily insulin, hemoglobin and amino acids to create healthy cells. At the same time it stands out for its contribution in vitamin C that provides great antioxidant benefits and fight the fight against free radicals. Naturally it promotes an increase in body defenses and strengthens the immune system.

5. Decrease stress levels

Two bananas a day They’re a good formula to reduce the high levels from stress, this is mainly due to its content in tryptophan a substance that actively intervenes in the production from serotonin, the happiness hormone and responsible for regulating much of the emotions. At the same time its high magnesium content is a good ally to facilitate the dream.

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