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What happens if you don’t wash your car for 20 years? The video is shocking

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After even twenty years of neglect, this little car has finally been treated as it deserves. The video images of the car wash are absurd, look at how poor she was …

Buy, use and throw away: someone has bought this car which, on balance, is not cheap on the market for collectors looking for it. Then, dissatisfied or perhaps tired of the product, he simply abandoned it where it happened and where it remained for about twenty years before someone came to retrieve it to give it … a well-deserved bath! In the video we witness a textbook restoration.

Car wash, this video will surprise you (Canva)

Keep it good

We now live in a very consumerist society where products are bought and used for a very short time and they jump without much regard. Sometimes, at the expense of this very widespread current of thought, for which ruined or old objects are simply thrown away to make mold, they are also rather sought after and rare products that if they were sold instead of thrown away could earn something for the their owners now tired and eager to get rid of them.

Today’s example is perfect: some restorers have in fact come across a rather rare model of car, a car produced in a few examples and only for a short period of time that is now rarely found around and that on the second-hand market, considering its modest size, has an attractive price. Perhaps this is why the boys in question have worked so hard for a beautiful restoration.

Washes ... Canva 08_11 (2022 Off-road vehicle
A motorist about to wash his car (Canva)

Elbow grease

The guys from the YouTube channel MAD detailswhich deals precisely with to restore cars like this one, they had a lot of fun restoring one of the very first electric city cars in memory to its former glory, found – just think – abandoned in a remote location by its old owner who perhaps didn’t even know what it really had by the hands.

The car mentioned in the video in which we see a textbook wash is a Sebring CitiCarmodel produced in Florida between 1979 and 1982, as well as one of the very first small electric vehicles that are now a very widespread reality in all metropolises, including the Italian ones. A car ahead of its time, in short, to the point that until 2011 it was the electric model best seller in the US before the Chevrolet Volt quickly broke that record.

A satisfying video

In the video, we are witnessing the restoration of the car that starts with a much needed wash. After all, the car has spent over twenty years standing still without anyone bothering to protect it from dirt and rust which, fortunately, did not make the car completely unusable. Being an electric car, it is likely that the batteries have already wasted acid and need to be completely replaced. But at least, the bodywork was recovered.

Microcar Web Source 08_11 (2022 Off-road vehicle
A shot of the video we are talking about (YouTube)

With just 4,000 units – or a little more – built in just a few years and with the brand going out of business, it is to be expected that the small long electric car will just two and a half meters become a cult object for collectors. An example like the one in the video is already worth around $ 3,000, which is a lot for such a car! Instead of abandoning it, they could have treated it better and resold it. By now, someone else will win.

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