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What Happens If There Are Two Suns? This is the Impact!

Being able to watch two sunsets sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Your selfie on social media will not only be accompanied by one bright celestial object.

In the universe, multiple star systems or even more are actually more common to scientists than single star systems like our Solar System. Most of them even have habitable planets.

The closest example is Proxima Centauri b. The planet is still qualified for habitability even though it orbits Proxima Centauri, which is part of a three-star system.

However, would it be possible for Earth to be habitable if it had two suns like most of the planets in the universe? Come on, see the explanation below!

1. The hypothesis of scientists regarding the binary solar system in the Solar System

illustration of earth with two suns (theatlantic.com)

The discussion of the existence of two Suns at first glance sounds ridiculous. However, this is not the case for scientists. Believe it or not, it turns out that they have been researching the possibility of this sun twin since the 80s, you know.

Reported Space, scientists have long hypothesized about the possibility of a twin orbiting the Sun in the past. In theory, it was a dwarf star which was later named Nemesis. In 1984, Richard Muller of the University of California Berkeley suggested that the existence of Nemesis might explain the mass extinctions that occur every 27 billion years on Earth.

It doesn’t stop there, in 2020, researchers from Harvard University also released a journal linking the existence of the Sun’s twin with the possibility of a ninth planet. According to them, this hypothesis can also explain some of the anomalies found in calculations in the Solar System.

2. How hot is the temperature of the Earth when there are two Suns?

What Happens If There Are Two Suns?  This is the Impact on Earth!illustration of a woman in the sun (pexels.com/Maggie Zhan)

If there were two Suns, would this burn the whole Earth for receiving multiplied heat? The answer is, not necessarily. Many determining factors need to be considered, such as how large the masses of the two stars are to how close they are relative to each other and to the Earth.

If we imagined each star having the same mass as the Sun, close together, and the Earth still in the same orbital plane, of course we would instantly be toasted. In fact, if the mass of the star is very large, its gravity is sufficient to pull our planet closer.

3. Earth can still be habitable under certain conditions

What Happens If There Are Two Suns?  This is the Impact on Earth!illustration of a circumnomeric orbit type (astronomy.com/Roen Kelly)

Reported Astronomy, planets can still be called habitable in a double star system with two conditions. First, it only orbits one star or what is also known as an orbit S-Type, as in Proxima Centauri b.

Second, if the planet can orbit two stars that are close to each other from a considerable distance, or what is known as T-Type. This occurs on the planet Kepler 16-b. It is far enough from the star that the water continues to be in a liquid state, but also does not freeze due to the cold temperatures.

Continuing scientists’ hypothesis about Nemesis, Earth is currently still habitable because it only orbits the Sun. In the scenario, Nemesis is also described as being far enough away that it only causes minor disturbances to the Solar System, namely near the Oort cloud.

Also read: These are 5 things that will happen if the sun disappears from the solar system

4. The time of Earth’s revolution also changes

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What Happens If There Are Two Suns?  This is the Impact on Earth!illustration of Earth and Sun interaction (editage.com)

Being in a circumbinary orbit—a double star—of course will make Earth’s orbital timing change. Reported Insh, given the total gravity of the two stars will be greater, our planet could have completed one revolution in 280 days instead of 365 days as it is now. It could also be that the period becomes longer due to certain factors.

Taking into account its orbit and position, being in a circumbinary orbit can make the day hotter. Differences in sunset times will also make the nights shorter, the climate more unpredictable, and the seasons on Earth more likely to increase.

Later, in addition to the two types of eclipses we already knew at school, there will be one additional eclipse if Earth orbits a binary star. This eclipse is caused by one star passing directly in front of another.

5. The destruction of artificial satellites

What Happens If There Are Two Suns?  This is the Impact on Earth!satellite illustrations around the Earth (nasa.gov)

So far, artificial satellites sent into space for the purposes of GPS, communications, and so on, are often disrupted due to solar flare activity. In a double star scenario, the interaction between the two stars will increase the activity. As a result, the risk of interference and even damage to the satellite is greater. The same goes for life on Earth.

With the two stars, the development of science will certainly be more challenging. Especially for the astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS). They will be exposed to far greater dangers than they are today, making space travel more difficult.

6. The dangers that lurk to health

What Happens If There Are Two Suns?  This is the Impact on Earth!illustration of man on the beach (unsplash.com/Hannah Reding)

It is well known that excessive exposure to UV rays will interfere with skin health and increase the risk of cancer. With two suns shining simultaneously, the risk would of course be doubled. Even being outside will be very dangerous for health.

The greater the force of gravity, living things will have a shorter stature and have a larger bone volume. We will also have big feet to be able to support ourselves. This does not only happen to animals and humans, plants are the same.

The circadian rhythm which is like a biological clock in determining sleep time for living things will also change drastically. Because, the time of day and night are no longer the same.

7. Kepler-16b, the first planet known to scientists to orbit a double star

What Happens If There Are Two Suns?  This is the Impact on Earth!kepler 47 star system illustration (nasa.gov)

Not always hot, orbiting two stars can also make the planet’s temperature very cold. For example, being in the Kepler 47 star system gives Kepler-16b a temperature of -73 degrees Celsius.

It turns out that, despite being closer than the Earth to the Sun, the mass of the double star is smaller and fainter than the Sun. As a result, they are unable to warm the planet Kepler-16b.

Reported Life Science, if the Earth were placed in the position of Kepler-16b, all the water on our planet would freeze. Earth’s temperature will also be colder than Kepler-16b so that no living thing will be able to survive. In addition, the Earth’s revolution time will be longer because the mass of the two stars is only about 90 percent of the mass of the Sun.

That’s what would happen if Earth had two Suns. Although there is still a possibility for our planet to remain habitable, but with so many dangers lurking, having just one Sun is already fun, isn’t it?

Also read: 5 Unique Facts about the Milky Way, the Old Galaxy that is the Home of the Sun

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