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What happens if the ATM “eats” the card: recovery procedures

What could happen if the ATM card reader fails to return the card? The recovery process would be simple but this is not always the case.

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A good advice, to be followed for a matter of prudence rather than technique, is to switch to bank or postal withdrawals only on days when the bank (or post office) is open. The reason is very simple: it would be easier to deal with the inconvenience (albeit remote) of the “eaten” paper. Practically, the moment in which the ATM reader does not return the card entered to withdraw money. It has happened, it can happen again and this means that we must go unprepared. Also because, the procedures to unlock it are not that simple.

In this sense, the story of a woman who had her card withdrawn due to incorrect typing of the code is indicative. The story was reported by the same to Elba.it, clearly explaining not only the nature of the inconvenience but also all the vicissitudes faced to be able to recover your ATM card. The scene of the mishap is the town of Rio, in the Livorno area, more precisely the hamlet of Cavo. Here a simple withdrawal has turned into an Everest made of bureaucracy and delays.

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ATM “eats” paper: an extreme case

In the letter sent to the online newspaper, the woman states that she immediately took action to report the problem. After a first phone call to the bank and an indication to go to a branch in Rio to collect the new card the next morning, everything seemed ready to work out for the best. None of this: the institution that was supposed to return the card communicates to the unfortunates this would not have been provided as to act for the disservices it would have to be another credit institution. In fact, relieving himself of any responsibility. A limbo from which to escape, according to some locals, by placing yourself next to the ATM to wait for the technicians to check on Friday and inquire with them.

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Clearly, an unthinkable or in any case extreme solution. Also because the non-arrival time of the technicians is never specified. Finally, all this resulted in a protest delivered to a bank employee, further lengthening the recovery times. A grotesque situation but which, surely, warns customers of any credit institution. Better be careful not to make mistakes: the process to recover your card could be climbing a waterfall.

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