Muere Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
British writer and essayist, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwindied at 53 years. She was recognized by her married name: Mary Shelley. She is the author of the gothic novel Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus (1818), considered the first novel of modern science fiction.
Born to Clark Gable
Clark GableAmerican actor, born in town of cadiz (Ohio, USA). He is one of the best artists in the classic cinema of Hollywood. She starred in the famous movie “Gone With the Wind”. He won oscar of 1935 for best actor for his work in the film “It happened one night” (It happened one night.)
Maria Elena Walsh is born
The writer and singer-songwriter, Maria Elena Walshnation in Buenos Aires. It is considered a “living myth, cultural hero and emblem of almost all childhoods”. He wrote more than 50 books and recorded 24 discos.
Execution of Severino Di Giovanni
Severino DiGiovanniItalian anarchist journalist and graphic worker, was shot at the National Penitentiary after a judgment summary in which he was accused of attacks contra bank offices and against the embassy of States Joined. He was shot even though there was no death penalty. Lieutenant J.uan Carlos Franco was his official defender, which cost him the loss of the Armythe imprisonment and the exile.
Jorge Cafrune passes away
To the 40 years go dead hit by a truck in the Buenos Aires city of Benavidez the singer Jorge Cafrune. She was one of the great figures of the folklore and the culture argentina. The van was driven by the young man. Hector Diaz and it was suspected that it was a ordered murder for the last military civic dictatorshipbut the fact was never investigated.
financial playpen
The Supreme Court of Justice stated illegal the bank deposit retention issued at the end of 2001better known as “financial playpen”. The December 2, 2002 the return of deposits was arranged for about $21 billionalthough the demands for funds placed in dollars persisted in the heat of the convertibility law.
Wine Worker’s Day
is celebrated on Wine Worker’s Day by provision of the collective agreement signed in 1991 in Mendozawhose article 26 declares to February 1 as a holiday for those who work in vineyards and wineries.