Home » Sport » What happened behind the scenes.. The strongest scene from the movie Birds of the Nile starring the virtuous courtesan Abeer Sabri with a famous artist when the scene turned into reality because of what happened to her

What happened behind the scenes.. The strongest scene from the movie Birds of the Nile starring the virtuous courtesan Abeer Sabri with a famous artist when the scene turned into reality because of what happened to her

The artist posted Abeer Sabri Very wonderful pictures through her last appearance on his Instagram account, and Abeer Sabry is preparing to enter strongly in the upcoming Ramadan season.

The actress, Abeer Sabry, is participating in the movie Cell Seven, who announced her happiness with participating in this great work.

The actress, Abeer Sabry, expressed her optimism about the movie “Dungeon 7”, which she recently finished filming, especially since the events in the film depend on more than one hero.

Noting that she appears to the audience in a new and different way, and her personality carries a great deal of audacity that she had not presented before, hoping that the audience will receive the film well.

Abeer Sabry confirmed in press statements that her character in the work will be a surprise to the audience, especially since she presents a new and different personality during it, as she embodies in the film the character of “Nahid”, a well-known lawyer, and exploits her intelligence to play on the loopholes of the law for the benefit of her clients.

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