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What guidelines does NYC suggest to avoid contagion during Christmas gatherings? – Telemundo New York (47)

The city’s Health Commissioner advised New Yorkers to plan their Christmas gatherings indoors so they don’t pose a risk to “the most vulnerable family members.”

While Dr. Dave Chokshi did not advise residents to cancel their festivities, he did suggest that they consider virtual celebrations or moving dinner outside. Or, use the masks, respect physical distancing and undergo rapid tests the same day.

“Some common sense precautions can help us reduce our risk and still enjoy the holidays more safely. Beyond meeting outdoors, you can improve ventilation by opening windows and doors, and you can limit meetings to only those who are fully vaccinated to reduce risk, ”Chokshi said.

Getting a booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine and getting tested for COVID-19 add layers of security to any celebration, he stressed.

“The people who worry me the most about the omicron variant are those who remain unvaccinated. Please take extra precautions for yourself and the safety of others, such as avoiding travel, and remember that it is never too late to get vaccinated, “continued Chokshi.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s leading infectious disease physician, has advice similar to Chokshi’s recommendations on holiday gatherings.

Ideally, Fauci said, people are tested for COVID-19 before any indoor gathering, especially if there will be vulnerable family and friends among the guests.

“If you do not have the availability of the test, but you are fully vaccinated or recently got the booster, then you should feel comfortable attending a Christmas meal or with family members who are also vaccinated or have received the booster,” Facui said on the “Today” show.

However, he said that canceling plans is not an overreaction when it comes to a virus “that has an unprecedented ability to spread extremely quickly.”

Earlier this week, the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Adhanom Ghebreyesus, recommended that people not have their Christmas gatherings this December, or postpone the celebrations to a later date if possible.

“A canceled event is better than a canceled life. It is better to cancel now and celebrate later than to celebrate now and cry later, “Ghebreyesus said during a press conference.

Last week, the director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Dr. Rochelle Walensky, recommended that people “use next week to make sure they are practicing those safe prevention / mitigation strategies by when get together during the holidays ”.

“If you plan to travel, we are not saying don’t travel,” Governor Kathy Hochul said at a news conference Wednesday. “The isolation of last year was painful. I remember using Zoom to celebrate with my family, and I had to tell them that I will be using Zoom again this year as I am in an exceptional position. “

The governor encouraged New Yorkers to come together, but urged they take precautions.

“For all the families who want to reunite, there is no reason not to. Be smart: shots, boosters, masks, ”he said. “And when you are thinking about who is at your table, consider the most vulnerable person and you can live with the guilt if something you did makes them sick. So let’s be smart about it. Get tested before you go, ”he added.

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