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What foods to avoid so as not to get traveler’s diarrhea

Jan Vašek / Pixabay

The so-called traveler’s diarrhea, as the name implies, is the presence of loose and watery stools that are presented when we travel to certain places where the water is not clean or There is no safe food handling.

Why do we get sick and those who live there don’t?

People who live in these areas usually do not get sick because Their bodies are accustomed to bacteria.

There is no vaccine against traveler’s diarrhea. However, your doctor may recommend taking antibiotics before and during a trip to help avoid it.

What to avoid

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) advises:

  • Do not drink water from the tap
  • Do not use tap water to prepare food or drinks or brush your teeth.
  • Avoid drinking juice, milk or eating unpasteurized dairy products. They have not been heated to kill viruses, bacteria and parasites.
  • Do not eat food from street vendors.
  • Do not eat meat, fish or shellfish that is raw or half cooked, or that is not served hot.
  • Do not consume hot foods that are allowed to stand for a long time.
  • Avoid eating raw vegetables.
  • Avoid eating raw fruits unless their skin is removed. Always wash them before eating.
Credit: Dangubic / Canva

What you can:

  • You can drink bottled water, soft drinks and hot drinks such as coffee or tea prepared with boiled water.
  • For babies, breastfeeding is the safest food source.
  • Use only boiled water (at least for 5 minutes) to prepare the milk for the baby.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Watch the children so that they do not put objects in their mouths or touch contaminated items.
  • Check the cleanliness of dishes and utensils.

According to the National Library of Medicine of the United States, take 2 tablets of Pepto-Bismol 4 times a day before traveling and while traveling can help prevent diarrhea. Pepto-Bismol is not recommended for more than 3 weeks.

It may interest you: What to eat if I have diarrhea?

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