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What foods ensure a better sex life

Unfortunately, you have to admit that in the bedroom things do not happen as you see in movies. Basically, sexual intercourse is not exactly what you want and, therefore, you feel the need to “spice up” your sex life a little.

Include in your diet and your partner’s foods that are known to help increase sexual appetite.

Brussels sprouts increase men’s libido

Brussels sprouts are a rich source of indole-3-carbinol, a substance that reduces estrogen levels in the body and increases men’s libido. So, make sure that this vegetable is not missing from the gentlemen’s diet and you may have sensational sex.

Choose foods that contain vitamin C.

Following specialized studies, it has been shown that vitamin C increases female libido. So, if you want to have more sex, confidently turn to foods that are a rich source of vitamin C.

Foods rich in vitamin C are also recommended for gentlemen. They should consume 250 mg of vitamin C every day. Thus, they improve their sperm quality.

In this regard, be careful not to miss oranges, grapefruit and kiwis in your diet.

Red wine helps you feel more in love

A glass of red wine before intercourse can work wonders. It has been shown that women who consume red wine lubricate more easily than those who do not have this habit. In addition, the interest in sex is much higher after a few mouthfuls of wine.

Find out on clicksanatate.ro what other foods help you to have a fulfilled sex life!

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