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What does this mean for us?

The European Central Bank (ECB) has made an important decision: the key interest rate will be reduced by 0.25 percentage points to 3.5 percent. This measure has far-reaching effects on the economy and the everyday lives of people in Bavaria and throughout Europe.

The reduction in the base rate is good news, especially for borrowers. Interest rates on loans are expected to fall, making it cheaper to borrow money. This could lead to an increase in property purchases and renovations, which in turn should stimulate the construction industry.

Changes in savings

For Savings However, the interest rate cut brings less positive news. Interest rates on savings accounts and fixed-term deposits are likely to fall, making saving less attractive. Many may therefore decide to spend their money sooner or invest in alternative investments such as Shares or property to invest.

Promoting consumption and investment

Lower loan interest rates can also Consumption Cheaper credit means more money available for consumer goods such as cars and electronics. Companies also benefit because they can invest on more favorable terms, which can lead to more investment in technology and personnel.

Possible risks

Although the rate cut offers many short-term benefits, there are also risks. Increased demand can push up prices for goods and services, especially if supply cannot keep up. This could lead to a higher inflation lead.

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