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What does the Queen have to do with a kudu penis?

The jungle camp is back. And there are a few innovations in the anniversary season – and, as expected, a lot of bitching from the first minute.

Those were the highlights of day 1 in the jungle camp.

This is new in the jungle camp 2022

For the 15th anniversary of “I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here” there are some innovations. For the first time, the jungle camp is not in Australia, but due to the corona South Africa instead of. Covid-19 is also at the reduced group of participants blame. Because instead of the usual twelve candidates, only eleven are running this year; at least for now. If Lucas Cordalis, who had to get out due to a corona infection, gets well in time, he can follow, that explains Moderator duo Sonja Zietlow and Daniel Hartwich.

For the remaining eleven stars, however, it goes straight into the jungle adventure. As always, every candidate has something in their luggage two luxury items. More than half opted for a pillow and another item. Janina Youssefian prefers one instead Lipstick and a hairbrush while Eric Stehfest prefers Talisman and hair wax takes away The second most common, by the way ear plug taken away.

Freshly dressed in their jungle outfits, the stars go straight to the first challenging challenges. Because the team is divided into two groups and must sporting tasks create to win the food for the first evening together in the camp.

Jungle camp: Challenges at dizzying heights

Tara Tabitha, Filip Pavlovic, Janina Youssefian, Eric Stehfest and Harald Glööckler are at dizzying heights. Because they must sequentially a number of Cross balls at a height of 40 meters. At the end of the four XXL balls there is a star for each candidate the candidate wears a Catch jump into nothingness and have to keep it with you until you land on the ground.

A task that is a real challenge, especially for Harald Glööckler. “I have nothing to do with height. I’ve had a lot of problems with it since I was a kid. II can’t swing either – I couldn’t do that when I was a child. It always makes me sick,” he admits and fails after a few jumps. For everyone else too, jumping from one ball to the next is so physically exhausting that the first stars are lost. Just Tara Tabitha, the also suffers from a severe fear of heights, manages to snag a star for the team.

Image: Image: RTL / Stefan Menne

For the second group around Tina Ruland, Jasmin Herren, Manuel Flickinger, Peter Althof, Linda Nobat and Anouschka Renzi, it’s also about height. Because the group has to move away from „Blyde River Canyon“, one of the largest canyons in the world, rappel collecting stars attached to the canyon along the way. because Anoushka and Tina are not allowed to take part in the challenge, Linda and Peter each have to collect two stars, which they manage to do. At the end of the task, the team can collect all six stars and make your way to camp.

Where the next shock is already waiting. Because that the residents their having to clear faeces from the toilet, is a bit of a scandal, especially for Anoushka. As always in the jungle camp, the distribution of beds is also small point of contention.

First food test with penis and testicles

The first joint jungle test of the team with the name starts the next morning “Rooting, Knowing, Choking”. As the name suggests, it is food test. The candidates stand in front of a table with a hole.

In this they must first 60 seconds feel blindly which part of the body is inside and write down the answer. Whoever is correct then has one minute to eat a piece of that part of the body; who is wrong must plaster two. And in the usual jungle manner, it’s not exactly the most appetizing body parts.

Land on the plate Warthog testicles, impala lungs, sheep eyes and kudu penis. During the test, Janina immediately causes discrepancies among the campers. Because when she reported that Filip Pavlovic spat out a piece of sheep’s eye and was therefore eliminated immediately, many people got angry.

Jungle camp: First disagreements in the team

While Jasmine is ultimately the only woman to take a star, Tina refuses to take part in the task. “I am a vegetarian and do not eat any animal products”, she clarifies. Harald, who is also a vegetarian, still takes a hearty bite into the kudu penis and completes the task without batting an eyelid. His secret of success: He took an example from the British Queen, as he later recounts and, like her, tried to remain “sovereign” even with disgusting food.

Image: RTL / Stefan Menne

Back in the camp, the first real bitches start. Because because Anoushka accidentally did that Towel used by Tina has to dry her face, she is annoyed and emphasizes that she now has to wash the towel again because she doesn’t want to use a used one.

A nitpicking that Anoushka can’t quite understand. “She has a very instructive nature. A bit like Miss Rottenmeier!”, she says later in the interview and later jokes with her longtime friend Harald about the situation.

The audience decides: This star has to go to the next jungle test

Tina also finds herself at the center of a discussion at dinner. As a vegetarian, she gets her own food. While the rest of the campers get meat, she is allowed eat tofu. Ex-Bachelor candidate Linda finds that very unfair and emphasizes that the tofu can also be shared among all candidates.

A absolute no-go for Tina, who insists that the tofu is only for the vegetarians and anyone who wants a piece should sign up as a vegetarian too. That takes care of the camp Eye rolls on both sides – Tina also understands her attitude.

In the evening it is announced who has to take part in the next jungle test. And by the looks of it, came Anoushkas Bitchy not well received by the audience. Because she is the first candidate who was selected by the audience for an examination. And as has already been revealed, this one is about one A lot of water and some creatures. So Anoushka will probably have to make friends with crocodiles and co.

The new episodes of “I’m a star – get me out of here!” will start on January 21 at 9:30 p.m. on RTL. on RTL + the jungle camp is available in the live stream and in full length after the shows.

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