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What does the pink breast cancer ribbon mean?

The World Health Organization (WHO) ruled in 1988 that the October 19 would be the date dedicated to World Breast Cancer Day. This day is about raising awareness on breast cancer, distributing pink ribbons to give visibility to this disease and raise awareness of the importance of annual checkups to promote early diagnosis and thus save lives.

Breast cancer is a malignant cell proliferation that originates in the mammary glands. It is one of the most diagnosed cancers in the world.. It affects women more than men and is one of the cancers with the lowest death rate in Spain, although in other less favored parts of the planet it is the leading cause of female mortality.

By the end of 2022, 34,750 new cases of breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed, so oncology and gynecology services and associations such as the Spanish Cancer Association are trying to raise awareness of the importance of preventing this disease.

What does the pink ribbon mean?

To raise public awareness and give visibility, for Breast Cancer Day, pink ribbons are distributed on the streets or in factories so that people commit themselves and show solidarity with the cause.

The pink ribbon is a symbol of the fight against breast cancer. Its origin dates back to the 90s. When during the Marathon for the Cure, held in New York, the Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer, pink caps were given to all the participants. The following year, instead of the cap, all the runners sported pink ribbons on the chest.

Although previously, Charlotte Hayley, a breast cancer survivor, sold peach-colored ribbons to raise funds for research into this disease, as, at that time, only 5% of the budget was for breast cancer.

In 1992 Alexandra Peny, editor of Self, a magazine dedicated to women’s health, wanted to dedicate the second annual issue to breast cancer awareness. For this reason she became interested in the bows that Charlotte Hayley was selling, but she refused, considering the magazine too commercial.

Evelyn Lauder, general vice president of Estée Lauder, also joined the awareness edition. And together with Alexandra Peny they thought that a good way for cosmetic brands to get involved in the cause was to make pink ribbons to distribute in factories in New York.

Prior to its distribution, a trial was held where it was established that neither Peny nor Lauder could use the peach color of Charlotte Hayley’s bows. Therefore, they changed the ties to pink.

The the pink color is linked to femininityas it is a disease that mainly affects women, and also provides health and well-being.

On this Breast Cancer Day 2022, wear the pink ribbon on your clothes to engage in the disease and promote more research and early detection.

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