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What does the authorities plan in New York to face the possible lack of municipal employees due to the vaccination mandate? | Univision News Shows

[habla en ingés]elix: I reiterate what followscollaborating with the authorities.chaos in the new cityyork, is the question that manyare done and this before thepossibility of employersmunicipalities do not show up towork from thisMonday, due to the mandate ofmandatory vaccination.Fabiola Galindo tells us thatemergency measures istaking the city.fabiola: with fewer employeesmunicipal, ambulancesthat patrol the big apple andpick up the trash, that’s whatface the city againyork.>> as of Monday in thiscity, you have anyinteraction with anyemployee, in any agencyfrom the city they will be able to knowfabiola: the authoritiesensure that the mandate ofvaccination is dispensingeffect.between the fire departmentrose from 77 to 72% and 9% fromemployees have already startedinjection.municipal employersThey are from the department ofsanitation, they haverefused to pick up the trashfor several days.>> this is filthy.empty boxes, bags …reporter: but there is a plancontingency.>> canceled allholidays.Also, some are going to have totake extra shifts.>> I have my human right.I have the right to choose whatis what goes into mebody.fabiola: those who refuse togetting vaccinated are the ones you havespread the virus.>> I don’t think the church and thegovernment must be of themano.fabiola: the unvaccinatedthey can keep their benefitshealth and job

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