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What does pro-war telexes pee on themselves?

On April 15, the Telex portal reviewed an article by Blikk in a leading material, in which a Hungarian from Transcarpathia; certain Peter Filipovich spoke of how it feels to fight Russia under the flag of Ukraine.

The writing can be referred to as Ukrainian war propaganda with complete peace of mind, even in its worst kind, since in the article the Hungarian soldier from Csap appears as a real hero, as if he is fighting death with contemptuous courage.

He said he had been hit several times, quite three times, but his bulletproof vest and helmet protected him; if he had not wore this equipment, he would surely have acted like his friends, who had been shot dead by the Russians.

Filipovich, of course, does not consider himself a hero, he modestly states that although the Russians occupied the city of Herson, they managed to prevent them from pushing further, and he is convinced that the conquerors would otherwise fall like flies.

By the way, Zelensky has talked about this several times before, so whoever does not read the battlefield reports, only listens to the Ukrainian president’s victory accounts, can rightly think that while the Ukrainians lost barely a few thousand people, half of the Russian army was destroyed and the conquerors shook their heads. , embarrassed, hungry, half-frozen by the cruel Ukrainian winter, and frightened by the hero’s grandmothers, who hunt down the Russian drones with mason jars, flee the country.

This is certainly not the case.

Not really, the other day, for example, Attila Demkó wrote that Mariupol was de facto lost, including two of the best Ukrainian formations: the really professional, well-equipped, fanatical Azov and the 36th Marine Brigade. That, he says, is a minimum loss of 4-5,000 among the best in the most fortified city.

However, before we go any further, at this point I must note that the war is bad, I do not in the least agree that Russia has invaded Ukraine, but lies and propaganda even if lies by the weaker party.
It is completely unforgivable that it is distributed by Hungarian editorial offices – I almost put it in quotation marks, but I stopped it – moreover, in such a way that it endangers the lives of our Hungarian brothers in Transcarpathia.

The writing gives the impression that the Hungarians of Transcarpathia were happy to take part in the war in a foreign country, and even burned with reality with the desire to take up arms for Ukraine and fight against Russia and then die a heroic death.

Needless to say, this is very far from reality, Hungarians living in Ukraine do not want to go to war in the slightest, they do not want the Russians to see them as enemies, but such materials could cause the Hungarian-inhabited settlements of Transcarpathia to start bombing.

So far no such thing has happened, perhaps not by accident, but Telex seems to have been so influenced by Putin’s hatred that it does not shy away from targeting the Hungarian soldiers in Transcarpathia using the story of the Transcarpathian Hungarian soldier.
Whose life was saved three times by his bulletproof vest and helmet.
Among other things, the equipment that Zelensky constantly demands.
And what indirectly, for example, with this article are advanced journalists as well.

Telex, which puts Hungarians across the border from a very high angle with this material, suggests in an infinitely vile way that by refusing to supply arms, the government is actually endangering the lives of Hungarians.

I really only note in parentheses that for me, perhaps the most outrageous and exciting thing is when I read about the Ukrainians enlisting and sending our Hungarian brothers to the battlefield to die.

The pro-war Telexes, on the other hand, pee.
The man’s stomach turns upside down.

Finally, the excellence of Momentum, Bendegúz Szervas Koppány, came under the article, who in one comment indicated as an eminent Telex-reading student that he understood the most important message of the article. He wrote this:
“I’m just saying if we sent equipment, it would protect our national brother, for example.”
Well, if we were to send a machine gun, it would be better to shoot, and if you could destroy the Russians with tanks while protecting your body, and in fact, we could really defend this national brother most effectively if we all took up arms, and Filipovics We would fight on the Ukrainian front next to Peter.
Moreover, let us send an elite commando unit to Moscow and liquidate Putin.
That would be just the real protection.
After all, what could be wrong?
Maximum recoil.

But the saddest thing is that these unfortunate instigators of war are not in the least interested in the opinion of the Hungarian people. (It’s not your safety.)
The Hungarians made it clear in the election that they did not want Hungary to get involved in the war between two foreign countries.
In my heart, I would say that the journalists of Hadházy, Szarvas Koppány, Tordai and Telex should take their squirrels nicely and pull them to the Ukrainian front to play military.
However, Hungarian law does not allow this.

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