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What does it mean to have no symptoms after the COVID-19 vaccine | Health | Magazine

A study tries to analyze the side effects in the population.

A study published in the journal The New England Journal of Medicine analyze if there is a relationship between the effectiveness to generate antibodies in the body and the reactions after being vaccinated against COVID-19.

According to experts and data from clinical trials of the vaccine Pfizer, published in the scientific journal, the vaccine was generally 90-100% effective against COVID-19. However, about half of the trial subjects experienced one type of systemic reaction.

“The big message is that not having side effects, or not having such serious side effects, is not a cause for concern ”, dice John Wherry, immunologist of the University of Pennsylvania.

Why do some people have side effects and others don’t?

“It’s a great question and we don’t know the answer,” he says. Wherry.

According to Sujan Shresta, a viral immunologist at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology in California, just because a person feels nothing does not mean that the immune response is not appropriate, age, gender, genetics, pre-existing conditions, environment, and even diet all influence how you might react.

For the study, Wherry led to a group of scientists who measured the levels of antibodies and B cells in blood samples from people who received the Pfizer vaccine O Modern. The researchers primarily compared the vaccine’s protection in individuals who had recovered from COVID-19 with those who had never been infected.

However, also found that subjects who reported systemic side effects had slightly higher levels of antibodies, but not higher levels of B cells.

Discomfort from the second dose

On the second dose of the vaccine, Sujan Shresta explains that this it tends to cause more side effects. “After the first exposure, the body accumulates a finite group of memory B cells. With the second we want to expand that population for later, so in the face of a real infection, the immune response will be faster, bigger and better ”, indicates Shresta.

So far, researchers don’t fully understand why only some people have side effects from COVID-19 vaccines. However, the research yields the following data:

  • The women they tend to have stronger immune responses than men.
  • The elderly They generally report fewer side effects than younger ones, but that could have more to do with the way the immune system ages than with the effectiveness of available COVID-19 vaccines.

Remember the symptoms of COVID-19

  • Fever
  • Intense headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of smell
  • Loss of taste
  • Dry cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Cansancio (I)

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