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What does freedom mean today ?: University of Erfurt

This year, with Manja Präkels and Ingo Schulze, two prominent people are guests who not only describe and critically discuss the social conditions of freedom in their works, but also politically in their newspaper and magazine articles, in essays, speeches and documentaries.

Spoiled Präkels studied philosophy, sociology and Eastern European history at the Free University of Berlin. She became known in 2000 with her interviews with left-wing and right-wing radical youth, from which the ZDF documentary “Die Zecken von Zehdenick was created”. In her novel “When I ate cherries with Hitler”, published in 2017, she also dealt with the social upheavals and upheavals after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In 2018 she received the Anna Seghers Prize and the German Youth Literature Prize for this novel. Manja Präkels also wrote stage and children’s theater pieces as well as political song theater programs, which saw numerous performances.

Ingo Schulze studied classical philology and German at the University of Jena. He then worked as a dramaturge and journalist before he began his work as a freelance writer, essayist and radio play author. In his numerous publications he repeatedly dealt with socio-political issues. Most recently, in the novel “The Righteous Murderers” (2020), he used a fictional character to reflect on the East German sensitivities from the GDR through the transition and post-reunification period to the present day. Ingo Schulze has been a member of the Berlin Academy of the Arts since 2006 and of the German Academy for Language and Poetry in Darmstadt since 2007. He is also a member of the Saxon Academy of the Arts and the PEN Center Germany.

The series of talks is held by Dr. Catherine Newmark moderated. She is a philosopher, cultural journalist and publicist. Catherine Newmark works on the philosophy editorial team at Deutschlandfunk Kultur, including as an author and editor for the philosophy magazine “Sein und Streit”. She is also editor-in-chief for the special editions of the philosophy magazine and a regular guest at the Philosophical Stammtisch of Swiss Radio and Television (SRF).

To the series of events:

Our understanding of freedom is constantly changing, in all socially relevant areas such as politics, art, science or ethics. The aim of the discussion series with two guests is to shed light on this term for an interested public from different perspectives. For this purpose, the library invites well-known personalities from politics, science, church, culture and society who stimulate thought, reflect and classify our current affairs and are interested in a broad social discourse. The occasion for the series is provided by Martin Luther’s work “Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen”, whose first edition from 1520, preserved in the library, was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2015. With this series, the library wants to link its cultural heritage with current social debates.

Updated: The 2G rule applies to the event. A qualified face mask must be worn in the interior up to the seat. The number of participants is limited to 50 people. It is strongly recommended that you register in advance at [email protected].

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