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What does Councilor Carlos Menchaca propose to run for mayor of New York City? | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

hope: this weekwe continue with ourspecial interviews withcandidates for mayor of theNew York City.tonight it’s up to the councilorCarlos Menchaca from District 38.gisel: warm is the reason for thewhich one have you decidedrun for mayor ofnew york city?I am running for mayorbecause we need a leaderfor our city, whatfaces enormous challenges,we were going to contribute. is acompassion and a politicsnecessary to achieve a changereal in our city.I am a child of an immigrant, mymacruó the border and workhard for your children, sowe have a better life.I believed in public housing and wentto public schools, I amthe work that thehardworking New Yorkers,because I saw it myself.gisel: to be elected, calWas your main objective?I think about the future of thiscity, I think of the sevenyears as a councilor, likepresident of the committee ofimmigration and some of myvictories include creatingof the ityc program, the programof municipal identification atgreat of the pís.was a leader of the movementto overthrow nypd funds in theadvice, to refund fundsnecessary for ourcommunities affected bycovid19.recently with the support oftown I stopped developmentmaximum private in frontmaítimo.they are going to see the 10 leadershipfocused, near the town thatdeserves a lot.gisel: you know a lotconversation about what I knowcut the funds of thepolice.do you support this idea? warm ishis stance?the movement to removefunds to the police in theessential services that helpto our neighborhood.others were penalized forbe poor or not be white.that’s part of theconversation about removing themoney.the nypd has like 8000million that can go toservices we need, topay the rent, and this mayorand the leadership of many of thecandidates do not want to removethat money to put it inour neighborhoods toour families, and that’s whyI support that conversation.gisel: why the latinosshould they vote for you?I’ve been like for almost yearsCouncilor, I have approached thattown and needs arevery clear, they can arrive, inchange agencies canconnect, all that ishappening now at this timecovid, they can’t talk toimmigrants in allchanges that are happening, withthe schools.do not speak directly inSpanish or other languages, that goesto change with my leadership.I want to be a mayor foreach person, those who canvote yes or no. Everybody hassuch a great power and I wantgo that voice and change all theagency power.

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