The number 9080frequently used in WhatsApphas a special meaning, especially between couples. This code conveys the message “I want to have you by my side”, expressing affection or the desire to be close to the person to whom it is addressed, and it can even be a way of letting them know that they are missed.
In recent times, sending encrypted messages with numerical codes through the messaging application has become popular. These numbers allow only the recipient to understand the message, leaving others unaware of the content.
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If you’ve ever received a message with this code and didn’t understand what it meant, now you know that it’s a special way to express affection.
As we mentioned before, it is common to send these types of messages nowadays, so that communication with the other person is secret.
In this sense, we will give you the list of the most common numbers to use in WhatsApp chats:
142: “I love you” or “I love you.”
1427: “I love you forever”
88: “Bye bye”
182: “I hate you”
910: “I’m sorry I hurt you”
7642: “I will always be there for you”
5555: “I miss you”
1543: “I still love you.”
Now that you know what the codes sent through WhatsApp mean, don’t forget to use them in your next conversations to express what you feel.
With information from El Universal