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What do you see in the majestic supernova remnant in the constellation Vela? | Sorae portal site to the universe

[▲ Un magnifico residuo di supernova a Vela che assomiglia a nuvole rosa e arancioni (Credit: ESO/VPHAS+ team. Riconoscimento: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit)]

Looking at this celestial image, what do you imagine?

This is the European Southern Observatory (IS)But2022year10moon31Introduced on the date (Halloween day), in the southern sky“Sailing Supernova Rest”This is an image from ESO named after Halloween.IScaptured the ghost of a giant star (ESO captures the ghost of a giant star)”, and the beginning of the comment is also expressed as “A ghostly web? A magical dragon? Or a faint ghost print?”

Supernova remnants are more than eight times heavier than the Sunmassive starcaused bysupernova explosionA celestial body observed after the pale pink and orange cloud-like structure of the supernova remnant Vela ended its stellar life in a supernova explosion.massive staris left by A neutron star or black hole may be left after a supernova, but it appears that a pulsar (a type of neutron star) rotating faster than 10 times per second is left behind in the Vela supernova remnant.

The currently observed supernova remnant Vela isAbout 11,000 years after the supernova explosionit is believed to have passed.Caused by a supernova explosionshock wavecompresses the gas around the star and creates a complex structure like a twisted wire. The energy released during this timegas heatedBy doing soshine brightIS.

This image captures an area the size of nine full moons as seen from Earth, but the supernova remnant Vela extends far beyond the image. Vela supernova remnant a few meters from Earth, according to ESO800 light yearsbut far,The closest supernova remnant to EarthIt is said that it can be considered one of

[▲ Dodici immagini evidenziate di resti di supernova Vela ingranditi (Credito: team ESO/VPHAS+. Riconoscimento: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit)]

[▲ Dodici immagini evidenziate di resti di supernova Vela ingranditi (Credito: team ESO/VPHAS+. Riconoscimento: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit)]

This image beautifully captures the supernova remnant Vela.ISinstalled at the Paranal Observatory a“VLT Survey Telescope”VLT survey telescopeVST extension) wide angle camera「OmegaCAM」was taken using The number of pixels of the original image reaches 554 million pixels.

2000000006800OmegaCAM megapixel can use filters that transmit light of various colors (wavelengths) when shooting. This time, images acquired using five filters that pass specific ultraviolet, visible and infrared rays were colored in four colors, magenta, blue, green and red, and synthesized. The stringy gas of the supernova remnant and the brightness of the bright blue star in front of it are captured in great detail.

ESO has also released a video that will make you feel like you’re flying through the supernova remnant Vela. If you weren’t aware of Halloween, what would you associate with it?


  • Video credit: European Southern Observatory (ESO)
  • Image credit: ESO/VPHAS+ team. Recognition: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit
  • European Southern Observatory (ESO) – ESO captures the ghost of a giant star

Phrase/Tetsuro Yoshida

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