Home » today » News » What do we spend our money on, what are our expenses – 2024-04-19 03:41:44

What do we spend our money on, what are our expenses – 2024-04-19 03:41:44

The photo is illustrative, BGNES photo

An average of BGN 10,044 per person was spent by households in our country in 2023. This is 19.7% more than the previous year. For the period 2014 – 2023, household expenses jumped 2.2 times. The information is from NSI.

The relative share of consumer spending in total household spending decreased from 83.4% in 2014 to 81.8% in 2023.

During the period 2014 – 2023, the following changes were observed in relation to some types of expenditure on average per person in a household:

The funds spent on food and non-alcoholic beverages in 2023 are BGN 2,987, or 18.1% more compared to 2022 and 2 times more compared to 2014;

The expenses for clothing and shoes in 2023 are BGN 348. Compared to the previous year, they increased by 23.8%, and compared to 2014 – 2 times;

The expenses related to the home (water, electricity, fuel, home furnishings and home maintenance) for the last year are BGN 1,685. Compared to 2022, they increased by 7.6%, and compared to 2014, they increased 2.2 times;

What else do we spend on and how much?

BGN 610 was spent on healthcare in 2023 – 11.7% more than in 2022 and 2.6 times more than in 2014;

BGN 1,159 were spent on transport and communications in 2023, which is 19.0% more than in 2022 and 2.2 times more than in 2014;

Spending on leisure, cultural recreation and education in 2023 is BGN 558. Compared to 2022, they increased by 46.8%, and compared to 2014 – 2.6 times;

In the last year, the expenses for taxes and social insurance amounted to BGN 1,355 and increased by 32.8% compared to 2022, and compared to 2014, they increased 2.7 times.

In 2023, the relative share of expenditure on food and non-alcoholic beverages in the total expenditure is 29.7%, which is 0.4 percentage points less than in 2022 and 2.6 percentage points less than in 2014.

The relative share of housing-related expenses in 2023 is 16.8% of the total expenditure and decreases compared to 2022 by 1.8 percentage points, and compared to 2014 it decreases by 0.3 percentage points.

The share of tax and social security spending is 13.5% of total spending in 2023, which is 1.4 percentage points more than in 2022 and 2.3 percentage points more than in 2014.

The relative share of health care spending is 6.1%, down 0.4 percentage points from 2022 and up 0.9 percentage points from 2014.

During the period 2014 – 2023, the share of transport and communication costs in the total expenditure is within 11 – 12%.

How does purchasing power change?

In 2023, there are changes in the consumption of basic food products on average per person in a household compared to 2022. The biggest decrease is in the consumption of bread and pasta products – by 3.1 kg, and yogurt – by 1.2 kilograms. The consumption of meat products increases – by 0.8 kg, of fruits – by 0.6 kg, of non-alcoholic beverages – by 5.9 liters, of alcoholic beverages – by 2.9 liters.

Household purchasing power increased in 2023 compared to 2022 for most food staples. The biggest increase in purchasing power was for milk butters (16.9%), ripe beans (16.5%) and bread (15.0%).

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