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what do we know about the police shootings that killed a passenger in a car?

Three days after the police check during which a driver was seriously injured and a passenger killed by police fire on Saturday in Paris, the officials are still in custody in the premises of the “police of the police”, where they plead the self-defense. A rear passenger in the car gave a different version of events. A drama that turned into the political quarrel between Jean-Luc Mélenchon – who denounces “a police that kills” -, his opponents and the police unions, one week before the first round of the legislative elections.

What happened ?

The facts took place late Saturday morning in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, in the Château-Rouge district, when officials on mountain bikes wanted to control “a car with four passengers, one of whom was not wearing his seat belt” , said a police source. As they approached, the car fled. A little further on, while the police were again trying to control him, the driver drove off and, still according to the police version, allegedly “ran into” the officials who used their weapons and hit the driver and the car. front passenger. The latter, in her twenties and shot in the head, died on Sunday. The driver was seriously injured in the chest. The two rear passengers were not hit.

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What are the police saying?

The police custody started on Sunday in the premises of the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) of the two men and the woman who shot at the vehicle was extended on Monday. These police officers are heard for “violence having caused a total interruption of work of more than 8 days with a weapon by a person holding public authority” and “violence having caused death without intention to give it by a person holding public authority “. Police custody was decided “because of the seriousness of the consequences of the shootings carried out and in order to verify the conditions of use of their weapons by the persons concerned”, according to the Paris prosecutor’s office.

“They fired to protect themselves,” assured the police lawyer, Me Laurent-Franck Liénard, on BFM TV, for whom “their lives were truly in danger, they had to use their weapon”. “If we hadn’t fired, there would have been serious injuries or even deaths in our ranks,” the officials reportedly said. “The whole scene was filmed”, assured the lawyer again.

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What are the car passengers saying?

The driver suspected of having refused to comply was very briefly placed in police custody on Monday for “attempted homicide on a person holding public authority”, according to the prosecution. But his custody at the hospital was lifted shortly after it began, with the 38-year-old in no condition to be heard at this stage.

One of the rear passengers told RTL that the driver, without a license, had “advanced a little” and “did not stop” when a police officer ordered him to. The vehicle ended up in “a kind of traffic jam” and shots were fired. “My friend put the first one back on and started again after the shots,” assured this man. “He didn’t hit any police. The policeman came to the side and knocked on the window. How can you hit a driver’s window and have someone hit you at the same time? It’s impossible ! Afterwards, we advanced and when they came the second time, they got on both sides and hit us straight”.

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“We told the driver ‘park, get out’, but he didn’t want to look at the policeman. I believe that’s when the cop must have seen that he didn’t want to calculate it or get out of the car, he fired straight, at least ten shots, ”he adds, assuring that the police “wanted to go wild”. According to him, the driver “really didn’t want to get caught, he doesn’t have a license and is on semi-freedom”.

Is there self-defense on the part of the police?

This will be the whole point of the investigation. The use of weapons by police officers is strictly defined by article 435-1 of the internal security codecreated in 2017. This authorizes officials to “use their weapons in case of absolute necessity and in a strictly proportionate manner” in five specific cases after warnings, in particular “when attacks on the life or integrity physical attacks are brought against them or against others or when armed persons threaten their life or their physical integrity or those of others” or “when they cannot immobilize, other than by the use of weapons, vehicles, boats or other means of transport, whose drivers do not obey the order to stop and whose occupants are likely to perpetrate, in their flight, attacks on their life or their physical integrity or those of others”.

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