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What do we know about FMS Andes and FMS Caribe 2021?

FMS Andes and FMS Caribe are 2 of the next FMS that Urban Roosters has in mind and they are already working on them.

With them we would already have the majority of Spanish-speaking countries around the world covered, although with exceptions.

How likely are they to be in 2021?

Asier, one of the CEOs of Urban Roosters commented that without coronavirus, insurance would have been created in 2021, at least FMS Andes.

With the coronavirus there are also quite a few chances that they will end up being made. In fact, a lot of FMS Andes work has already been done, since it was the initial idea before creating FMS Peru. We will see if they can finally be all of them in 2021 or we will have to wait until 2022.

¿Akapellah en FMS Andes?

Asier commented in an interview with Rodrigo Quesada a few months ago that he had had talks with Akapellah to become part of FMS Andes. Will the Venezuelan accept? Soon more news about these 2 great projects.

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