There are many myths about oatsbut rest assured that we are talking about a healthy food. This cereal demonstrated the ability to prevent coronary heart disease thanks to its high content of soluble beta-glucan fibre. In addition, as if that were not enough, it also contains vitamins B and E, phosphorus, thiamine, magnesium and zinc. However, the question remains as to whether it is healthy to consume it every day.
According to information extracted from The Confidential, consume oats daily can bring many benefits to your body. A meta-analysis concluded that taking three grams daily of soluble beta-glucan fiber, which comes from this cereal, reduces cholesterol levels in blood by 12 points. But that’s not all, as another test showed that It also reduces blood glucose levels.making it a good food for diabetics.
Oats prevent coronary diseases, and reduce blood sugar levels and cholesterolFreepik
However, you have to be careful, because The benefits of this cereal will be lost if you combine it with sugars, sodium or other additives.just like instant oatmeal. “Loading oatmeal with sugar, sodium or other additives can quickly diminish or counteract its health benefits,” explained Shengmin Sang, Professor of Food Science and Human Health at North Carolina A&T State University in the magazine Time.
What is the best oatmeal I can consume to keep my body healthy?
There are a wide variety of types of oats on the market and each one will be different depending on how it is processed, with oat grains being the least processed, and instant oats the most. On the other hand, there is oat bran, Scottish oatmeal, flaked oatmeal and rolled oatmeal. According to Shang, It is always recommended to consume it in its least processed form. to obtain all its benefits.
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