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What do beef and Argentine soccer have in common?

Guillermo D. Rueda / [email protected]

They are recognized in the world (therefore exportable) and have a unique seal of distinction.

The meat is palatable and stands out as one of the riches of the Argentine countryside production. A similar richness is appreciated in our players within a field of play.

Who does not want to take a photo next to a grilled ribs? And who doesn’t want to pose next to his soccer idol?

It is also about high awareness for popularity.

These are just some of the arguments, plus the natural and strategic ones, that led the authorities of the Institute for the Promotion of Argentine Beef (IPCVA) and the Argentine Football Association (AFA) to formalize an alliance to unite two of the great Argentine passions. Or the two great Argentine passions.

The public part of the agreement provides for the joint programming of activities, events and other promotional actions, as well as educational campaigns to encourage the consumption of beef as a healthy food, especially for the growth of children and young people, and other promotions for a balanced diet.

In the two years that the agreement will be extended, the IPCVA undertook to disseminate communication initiatives to present beef as the official sponsor of Argentine passion.

Although the organization had already ventured —and still continues to do so— in other sports, such as polo, with sponsorships in the open ones that take place in the field of Palermo, now extended to similar tournaments in the United States and in France, this promotional appearance of our beef seems to point to two storm fronts that it was (is) necessary to attend to.

On the one hand, there is the drop in meat consumption per inhabitant per year.

One of the extremes dates back to the 1950s, when it barely exceeded 100 kilos per inhabitant per year (1956, 101 k/h/a), in a decreasing format, which accelerated drastically in recent years (Ref: 1977 , 61 k/h/a; 2010, 54 k/h/a).

For this June, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Meat and Derivatives of the Argentine Republic (Ciccra) updated, and calculated, the consumption with the values ​​of the national census of last Wednesday, May 18, where it was specified that we are already 47,327. 407. And that, therefore, we eat 46.5 kilos per inhabitant per year, the second lowest record in history (versus the year 1920, with 46.9 k/h/a).

The latest data: the average beef consumption between 1914 and 2021 is 73.4 k/h/a (Source: Rosario Stock Exchange).

Across the street are poultry and pork meats, which have grown to unusual levels but allow, in any case, in the Argentine Republic to consume around 110/115 kilos of protein per inhabitant per year.

Chicken is consumed in the same ratio as beef today (between 45 and 47 k/h/a), while pork does not stop growing and only fresh meat (sausages are also on the rise) around 18 k/h/a.

It is concluded that the total number of meats remains stable in recent decades, and that the only thing that changed was the substitution of one product, or two, to the detriment of a third.

One of the reasons, some of them already explained in this same column, It is related to the consideration of the price of an exclusive product, such as beef, compared to poultry and pork, whose production processes are notoriously lower in terms of investment and conversion of time. Even from these two sectors there is a commitment to continuity in productive growth in the coming years as a concrete way of responding to demand.

Meat is expensive. It’s known. And the current purchasing power of Argentines (and Argentine women), is on the floor. It is also known.

The other point that is intended to be addressed through greater promotion is that there is a strong presence, and insistence, of environmental and vegan groups that warn about the inconvenience and harm caused by the consumption of meat that, without scientific arguments but with energetic willful declarations of its militants, leads to a restriction that cannot be avoided.

Demonstration on the outskirts of Rural de Palermo, this Sunday 31.

This action, viralized without great economic costs in social networks, proposes to decouple meat production from the use of natural resources, arguing that, beyond affecting human health, bovine production negatively impacts the environment.

The approach to more popular spaces, such as football, will contribute to providing scientific elements in other areas that, like several that the IPVCA has already presented, refute these considerations even admitting that, today, it can only be produced with sustainable and sustainable environments. and work accordingly.

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