What day is it today: November 2
What day is it today: November 2
Sputnik Belarus
This day is the 307th in the Gregorian calendar, with 59 days left until the New Year. 02.11.2024, Sputnik Belarus
autumn grandfathers
memorial day
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Did you know that on November 2, Belarus celebrates the Day of Remembrance of Ancestors – Dziady? People call this day Autumn Grandfathers. The Orthodox celebrated this date in the third week after the Intercession and commemorated their ancestors. Read about what else November 2 is marked in the Sputnik review. What do Dziady mean? History and traditions of the holiday >> What happened on November 2 In 1903, the first issue of the newspaper “The Daily Mirror” was published. In 1939, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the Law on the inclusion of Western Belarus into the USSR and its reunification with the Belarusian SSR. In 1947, an attempt was made lift an airplane with the largest wingspan into the air. In 1948 in the United States, Margaret Chase Smith became the first woman elected to the Senate. Who was born on November 22nd November in the Orthodox calendarThe Orthodox honor the memory of the Great Martyr Artemy and the Martyr Zadok.Name DayOn this day, the name day of Gerasim, Artemy, Alexandra, Leonid, Ivan, German, Nikolai, Peter, Pavel, Fyodor and Irina. November 2 in the folk calendarPeople watched the animals: if the squirrels made large reserves of nuts, then they had to wait for a cold winter. People also believed that a she-wolf stood up to protect children born on this day, and this person grew up close in spirit to animals, birds and forests. In addition, on this day people prayed to Zadok to protect him from accidental death, and to Artemia if he was overcome by stomach diseases.
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MIA “Russia Segodnya”
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MIA “Russia Segodnya”
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MIA “Russia Segodnya”
help, autumn grandfathers, memorial day, what holiday is today: calendar for every day
help, autumn grandfathers, memorial day, what holiday is today: calendar for every day
This day is the 307th in the Gregorian calendar, with 59 days left until the New Year.
Did you know that on November 2, Belarus celebrates the Day of Remembrance of Ancestors – Dziady? People call this day Autumn Grandfathers. The Orthodox celebrated this date in the third week after the Intercession and commemorated their ancestors. Read about what else November 2 is marked in the Sputnik review.
What do Dziady mean? History and traditions of the holiday>>
What happened on November 2
In 1903, the first issue of The Daily Mirror was published.
In 1939, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the Law on the inclusion of Western Belarus into the USSR and its reunification with the Belarusian SSR.
In 1947, an attempt was made to fly an aircraft with the largest wingspan.
In 1948, Margaret Chase Smith became the first woman elected to the Senate.
Who was born on November 2
Queen Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) Director Luchino Visconti (1906-1976) Writer Daniil Andreev (1906-1959) Belarusian writer Maxim Luzhanin (1909-2001) Songwriter Mikhail Plyatskovsky (1935-1991) Singer, poetess, composer Irina Bogushevskaya (1965) Actor David Schwimmer (1966) Hockey player Ruslan Salei (1974-2011) Figure skater Tatyana Totmyanina (1981)
November 2 in the Orthodox calendar
Orthodox Christians honor the memory of the Great Martyr Artemy and the Martyr Zadok.
On this day, the name day of Gerasim, Artemy, Alexander, Leonid, Ivan, German, Nikolai, Peter, Pavel, Fedor and Irina.
November 2 in the folk calendar
People watched the animals: if the squirrels made large reserves of nuts, then they had to wait for a cold winter. People also believed that a she-wolf stood up to protect children born on this day, and this person grew up close in spirit to animals, birds and forests. In addition, on this day people prayed to Zadok to protect him from accidental death, and to Artemia if he was overcome by stomach diseases.