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What church holiday is today? November 1, 2024

We tell you what church holiday is celebrated on November 1 according to the new and old styles, what are the prohibitions of the day, and who has a name day.

Church holiday today, November 1 / UNIAN collage, photo ua.depositphotos.comUNIAN

On November 1, according to the new church calendar, the brothers Cosmas and Damian of Asia, who are called “unmercenaries,” are remembered. About the traditions and signs of November 1 and what church holiday is celebrated in the church today according to the old style – in the material.

In 2023, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine switched to a new calendar style, and all Orthodox holidays with a fixed date moved 13 days earlier. But some believers continue to adhere to the old calendar – preserving the old style remains the right of religious communities and monasteries.

What is today’s church holiday in Ukraine according to the new style?

The Orthodox holiday of November 1 according to the new church calendar (November 14 according to the old one) is the day of remembrance of Saints Cosmas and Damian of Asia, who knew medicine, possessed the gift of miracles and could cure the most serious illness.

Cosmas and Damian lived in the 2nd-3rd centuries, in Asia Minor. They were left without a father at an early age; they were raised by their mother in Christian traditions. The brothers had a penchant for healing, so they were sent to study medicine. Cosmas and Damian also possessed the gift of miracles: with the help of prayer they could even heal from a serious illness. At the same time, they did not take money for this, since they kept the commandment of Christ – “Freely you have received, freely give,” so people called them unmercenary.

According to legend, the brothers somehow cured a woman who had been abandoned by doctors. As a sign of gratitude, she brought Damian three eggs – and persuaded them to take them in the name of the Holy Trinity. Cosmas found out about this and was angry that his brother took the payment. Moreover, he was so upset that he bequeathed to be buried separately.

Cosmas died first, and when Damian died, people began to think about how to bury him – together or separately. At that moment, according to legend, a miracle happened: the camel suddenly spoke and said that they should be buried together, since Damian accepted the gift out of veneration of the Holy Trinity.

What is the church holiday on November 1 according to the old style?

Orthodox holiday today according to the old style is the day of remembrance of the prophet Joel, the holy martyr Huar and with him seven Christian teachers, as well as blessed Cleopatra and her son John. Previously, UNIAN told what church holiday is celebrated today according to the old calendar style – what can and cannot be done on this date.

What do the signs say for November 1st?

November 1 - signs for today / UNIANNovember 1 – signs for today / UNIAN

Based on the signs of the day, they can figure out what winter and spring will be like:

  • slush and dirt – real winter will begin in 4 weeks;
  • birds fly high – there will be a lot of snow, and if low – there will be no precipitation;
  • cold and snow on this day – to late and cold spring.

People call November 1st Kuzminki Autumn. It is celebrated twice a year – in summer, on July 1, and in autumn, on November 1. This holiday is also called “Indian Day”, when the guardians of the hearth are honored.

What not to do today, November 1

On the church holiday of November 1, as on any other day, the church does not approve of quarrels and foul language, gossip, condemnation, slander, greed, envy and laziness.

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What today cannot be done according to popular wisdom: refuse alms and help, indulge in despondency and sadness, you should also be especially careful in matters with money and avoid pointless spending, such extravagance can lead to poverty.

What can you do on November 1st?

On the Orthodox holiday today, prayers are addressed to Saints Cosmas and Damian, who are considered the patron saints of doctors. According to legend, the brothers healed not only people, but also animals, so they are also considered protectors of domestic animals and birds. They pray to the saints for health, for healing from various diseases, for a happy married life, unmarried girls for reliable husbands, and also for help in their studies.

People on Kuzminki completed threshing, and housewives prepared porridge from the grain of the new harvest and pies.

Who celebrates angel day on November 1st

Name days today according to the church calendar are celebrated by Kuzma, Elizaveta, Yakov, David, Ivan, Adrian, Peter, Alexander, Denis, Fedor.

According to the old style, the day of the angel is for Peter, Nikolai, Ivan, Mikhail, Dmitry, Pavel, Felix, Sergei, Leonid.

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