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What Causes an Annular Solar Eclipse? Also Find Out The Process Occurs

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How does an annular solar eclipse occur?

Bobo.id – Every day, there are various celestial bodies that we can see from Earth, both with and without observation tools.

Well, every month there are usually various celestial events that occur and we can witness.

An example is solar eclipse, which is a fairly frequent celestial event.

Have you guys seen solar eclipse?

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As it turns out, there are four different types of solar eclipses that we can witness, lo.

There are total solar eclipses, partial solar eclipses, annular solar eclipses, and hybrid solar eclipses.

Each solar eclipse has its own characteristics and uniqueness.

Like an annular solar eclipse, as the name implies, looks like a ring. Find out what causes annular solar eclipses to look like rings, let’s go!

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What Causes a Solar Eclipse?

A solar eclipse is a celestial event that occurs when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun.

As a result, the Sun will be partially or completely covered and affect the sunlight that can be seen in Earth’s sky.

Do you know? The moon turns out to be 400 times smaller than the sun.

But why can the Moon cover the Sun and cause a solar eclipse?

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Illustration of an annular solar eclipse

Yaduprasad / Wikimedia Commons

Illustration of an annular solar eclipse

This is apparently due to the location of the Moon which is closer to Earth about 400 times than the location of the Sun.

This is why the Sun and Moon look the same size when viewed from Earth and the Moon can cover the Sun.

In addition, the Moon also has an elliptical orbit with a distance to Earth that is always changing.

So the Moon sometimes appears bigger than the Sun and covers the Sun, which causes a solar eclipse.

Causes of an annular solar eclipse

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Ring Solar Eclipse

Creative Commons/Smrgeog

Ring Solar Eclipse

The event of the Moon covering the Sun and causing a solar eclipse is not always the same, my friends.

There is also an annular solar eclipse that has a ring-like shape.

This ring lunar eclipse looks like a ring, where the Moon does not completely cover the Sun’s light.

Even though it is covered by the Moon, there is still sunlight visible around the Moon. This circular solar light causes this solar eclipse to be called an annular solar eclipse.

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What causes an annular solar eclipse and how does this solar eclipse occur?

An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon covers the center of the Sun, except at the outermost edge of the Sun, which remains bright.

The occurrence of an annular solar eclipse depends on the distance between the Sun, Moon, and Earth.

The Earth will move in an elliptical orbit and around the Sun, while the Moon moves in its elliptical orbit around the Earth.

As a result, the distance between the Earth, Sun, and Moon will change.

When the Sun is closest to Earth and the Moon is at its greatest distance, the Moon will appear smaller than the Sun.

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When in this position, the size of the Moon looks not large enough to completely cover the Sun.

This position then causes the outermost halo of the Sun to remain visible in the sky.

This event then causes an annular solar eclipse.

Watch this video too, come on!


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