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What Causes Alopecia Areata? page all

KOMPAS.comAlopecia areata is autoimmune disease which attacks the follicles or where hair grows.

Normally, a person’s hair usually loses about 50 to 100 strands per day. However, this autoimmune disease causes hair loss too much to cause baldness.

Not only on the head, hair loss in sufferers alopecia areata It can also occur on the eyebrows, eyelashes, face, or other areas of the body where hair is growing.

Also read: Know What is Alopecia Areata, Hair Loss Due to Autoimmune Disease

This condition can occur suddenly and look very severe, then heal on its own, then recur at some point.

To get to know more closely about this disease, identify the cause alopecia areata and who is susceptible to it.

Reported from the official page American Academy of Dermatology Association, causes of alopecia areata stems from an autoimmune disease.

Under normal conditions, the immune system is in charge of protecting the body when dealing with germs or allergy triggers.

However, the cells of the immune system of people with alopecia areata are impaired, so that they attack the hair follicles of the sufferer and cause hair loss.

The more hair follicles the immune system attacks, the more hair will fall out.

Although hair follicles are often attacked by the immune system, it is rare for hair follicles to be damaged. In other words, the patient’s hair can still grow after falling out.

Also read: Causes of Hair Loss after Covid-19 and How to Overcome It

Who is susceptible to alopecia areata?

Regardless of the cause of alopecia areata, everyone can actually get this autoimmune disease.

However, there are some people who have a greater chance or risk of developing this health problem, including:

  • Sick multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis
  • A parent or sibling has alopecia areata
  • Have asthma, diabetes, atopic dermatitis, thyroid disease, or Down syndrome
  • New to cancer treatment

Please note, the symptoms of alopecia areata usually appear before the patient is 30 years old. Autoimmune disease this plural develops since childhood or adolescence.

Although there is no cure for alopecia areata, this chronic hair loss problem can be controlled with medical and hair care.

Also read: 10 Causes of Excessive Hair Loss in Women and How to Prevent It

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