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What causes a lot of hair loss?

  • Hair is at its densest and largest until about 30 years of age. The density and volume of the hair will begin to decrease.
  • Noticing a lot of hair in the drain after washing your hair or clumps of hair in the brush. or notice thinning hair or bald patches Indicates that hair is falling out more than usual.
  • The most common cause of hair loss is a family history of thinning hair. and getting older

What causes a lot of hair loss?

Every day, people have tohair lossAbout 50-100 strands, but since we have up to 100,000 strands of hair on our heads, even a small loss may not be noticeable. In addition, new hair will grow to replace the hair that is lost over the hair’s life cycle.

Hair is at its densest and largest until about 30 years of age. The density and volume of the hair will begin to decrease. This is because the life cycle of the hair begins to shorten. Causes hair to fall more often and become thinner. Until eventually the hair cycle stops and no new hair is formed. As a result, the density of the hair becomes less and less. so that the appearance of thinning or balding hair is clearly visible

Hair loss can happen gradually or suddenly. and it can be permanent or temporary. Although hair loss is more common in the elderly But excessive hair loss can also occur in young people.

What kind of condition is called “hair loss”?

Hair loss means loss of hair on the head or on all parts of the body. The nature of the situation may vary. Noticing a lot of hair in the drain after washing your hair or clumps of hair in your brush, on your pillow, or noticing thinning hair or bald patches. Shows that there is more hair loss than normal. You should consult your doctor immediately to find out the real cause of your hair loss and suggest an appropriate treatment plan.

What causes “hair loss”?

  • inheritance The most common reason for hair loss is a family history of baldness. Studies believe that genetic and environmental factors such as stress and pollution can be factors that trigger hair thinning. It is related to the male hormone called androgen because this hormone determines the cycle and controls hair growth.
  • Illness, surgery, stress or traumatic event May cause temporary hair loss. which hair starts growing again without treatment
  • Hormonal changes can cause temporary hair loss. These include pregnancy, childbirth, and stopping birth control pills. Menopause
  • Some diseases that can cause hair loss such as thyroid disease scalp disease and diseases that cause scarring, such as lichen planus and some forms of lupus. It can cause permanent hair loss due to scarring.
  • Effects of medications used for treatment such as cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression
  • Lose a lot of weight in a short period of time
  • malnutrition such as protein, iron, and other nutrients can make hair thin.

What are the treatments for hair loss?

  • Take a cure Usually, medication is used as a treatment for initial hair loss. Both daily and oral treatment should come from a doctor’s recommendation. Because there are side effects from medications that you need to be careful of.
  • Get treatment To stimulate new hair roots Including maintenance of existing hair.
  • Change hormones In the case of hair loss due to hormonal deficiency
  • Make a laser To solve the problem of hair loss and helps to stimulate the growth of new hair
  • PRP thick platelet injection (Platelet rich plasma) to stimulate stem cell activity in the hair roots.
  • hair transplant by drilling the hair follicles intuitively in the occipital area This is an area that is rarely affected by hormones. Then move the hair roots and place them in the place you want.

How to cure hair loss and take care of it to prevent further hair loss or hair thinning

  • Avoid tying your hair too tightly. Try not to pull, twist or rub your hair forcefully.
  • Eat foods from all 5 food groups, especially foods that contain sufficient amounts of iron and protein each day.
  • Choose a shampoo that is suitable for your scalp condition. The shampoo used must not cause allergies, itching, dandruff, or rashes on the head.
  • Hair styling products and tools can also cause hair loss, such as blow dryers. Hair styles, hair color products, bleach, perms
  • avoid stress Relax your mind If you have a problem with hair loss you should consult a doctor to find out the exact cause. for the correct treatment that is appropriate for each individual

who hashair lossThat is normal and happens every day most of the time. For some people, this may feel impossible and appropriate, especially when hair loss occurs naturally or with age. This may not require treatment. Although some people may feel bad. Lack of confidence and becoming stressed and anxious Until it affects daily life However, in solving the problem of hair loss You should consult a doctor to determine the cause of your hair loss and the most appropriate and effective treatment method find

2024-10-12 03:34:00

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