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What cat are you according to your zodiac sign?

Today, 09:10 | author: Marat Kudeev | Photo en.depositphotos.com

Each person is a unique individual. Cats also have unique character traits that are inherent in certain breeds. Astrologers have suggested which breed of cat could correspond to a certain zodiac sign. Stubborn Siamese or cutest ragdoll: let’s find out what kind of cat you are according to your zodiac sign.

Aries – British shorthair cat. They are born leaders who have a love for research. Sometimes in their behavior there is aggression, which is more of a defensive reaction.

Taurus – Siamese cat. Representatives of this Sign have a strong and independent character, which are endowed with stubbornness. They always keep their word, and betrayal is considered the biggest sin. These are very reliable people.

Twins – Persian cat. Representatives of this Sign are dreamy and ready to rush headlong to achieve their goals. They are very energetic and ambitious people.

Crab – ragdoll. Representatives of this Sign are inaccessible and mysterious. They can behave like the last dreamers, while remaining rationalists. They are unpredictable, which is why they bribe others.

Lev – Maine Coon. These are militant and at the same time gentle personalities who are able to rush to protect their loved ones. They are indifferent to enemies, but at the same time they are compassionate.

Virgo – Bengal cat. Representatives of this Sign are distinguished by narcissism and pride in themselves, no matter what happens. They perfectly understand all their likes and dislikes, and their behavior is endowed with royal manners.

scales – sphinx. These are inveterate rationalists who know how to be tactful and prudent. They always find themselves in a winning position due to their pragmatism.

Scorpion – Abyssinian cat. These are people with an iron will and a strong character. Their heart is always open to love. They are ready to stand up for their interests and justice.

Sagittarius – Russian blue cat. Representatives of this Sign are always looking for perfection. They pay attention to details, which makes them very persistent. They are characterized by bold thoughts and active actions.

Capricorn – Burmese shorthair cat. Representatives of this Sign perfectly feel the thoughts and emotions of others. They are calm and collected people who manage their emotions. They are ready to listen to someone else’s opinion, but they will never give up their own point of view.

Aquarius – American bobtail. These are brave and laconic people who will always tell even the bitterest truth. From straightforwardness does not always play into their hands.

Fishes is an exotic shorthair cat. These are sweet and gentle people who are able to make the lives of those around them brighter. They are ready to help others, for the sake of the success of others.

March 8, 2022, 12:03 | author: Ivan Egorov | Photo: pixabay.com

In Bashkiria, a list of lands for involvement in economic turnover is being formedIn Bashkortostan, the Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Bashkortostan is compiling a list of land plots free from the rights of third parties, for which state ownership is not demarcated, for maximum involvement in economic turnover, including through bidding. This was reported by the press service Government of the Republic of Belarus.

– This list is formed according to the proposals of the territorial departments of the Ministry of Land and Property of the Republic of Belarus. On February 28, 2022, the official website of the Ministry of Land and Property of the Republic of Belarus posted a list of 34 land plots for which state ownership is not delimited, located on the territory of municipal districts and urban districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan, – said the Minister of Land and Property Relations Natalya Polyanskaya.

The service is available by activating the “Information for investors” filter on the official website of the Ministry of Land and Property of the Republic of Belarus or at the link: https://mzio.bashkortostan.ru/documents/active/404915/.

The list of land plots free from the rights of third parties will be updated and supplemented as the land plots are analyzed.

Land plots from this list are not encumbered with the rights of third parties, are free from buildings, structures, structures and are ready for further involvement of such plots in economic circulation, including through tenders.

Questions about the provision of land plots from this list should be addressed to the territorial departments of the Ministry of Land Property of the Republic of Belarus (location addresses are indicated in the list of land plots).

March 8, 2022, 12:03 | author: Marat Kudeev | Photo: en.depositphotos.com

One dressing for seedlings, which will increase the yield of tomatoes and cucumbers by 2 timesExperienced gardeners say that just one top dressing can change your attitude to growing cucumbers and tomatoes. According to them, after its introduction, the yield of cucumbers doubles. We are talking about simple solutions with ammonia.

Ammonia is able to saturate tomatoes with nitrogen, which improves the growth and development of seedlings. Feed should be applied 14 days after germination. To prepare the solution, mix 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 1 liter of water. It is necessary to introduce the solution by the foliar method.

The second time, tomatoes are fed when transplanted into open ground or a greenhouse. Now, 10 ml of ammonia must be diluted with 10 liters of water. It is necessary to make a solution at the rate of 0.5 liters per bush.

For the third time, you can feed the tomatoes after 2 weeks using the same solution.

Cucumbers are fed 10-12 days after the appearance of the first shoots. To do this, dilute 1 teaspoon of ammonia in 1 liter of water. This solution must be sprayed with bushes.

For the second time, adult cucumber bushes are fed. It is necessary to place 1.5 tablespoons of ammonia in 1.5 liters of water. It is necessary to carry out feeding by the root method, and for the first time this procedure is carried out immediately after planting cucumbers in the ground, and then weekly.

March 8, 2022, 11:03 | author: Ivan Egorov | Photo: en.depositphotos.com

Lawyers told the Russians in what cases it is possible to write off debts for housing and communal servicesStepan Khantimirov, a lawyer at the Asterisk Law Office, said that it is possible to write off debts for housing and communal services, but for this it is necessary that the statute of limitations expire or you are declared bankrupt. Also, the impossibility of their cancellation, confirmed by bailiffs, can relieve debts. About it writes RIA Real Estate.

Khantimirov said that it is possible to declare that the limitation period has passed if the management company has filed a lawsuit, and more than 3 years have passed since the last payment. so, if a citizen has not paid on payments since 2019, and the Criminal Code went to court in March 2022, then the citizen has the right to inform the court about the expiration of the limitation period.

According to the expert, many cases are considered in absentia in an expedited manner, while the court itself does not take into account the statute of limitations, so the defaulter must speak about it on his own. At the same time, the citizen should not have payments or agreements on deferment and restructuring for the entire period.

To do this, after the first meeting, it is necessary to file a motion against the execution of the decision within 10 days. In this case, the court will cancel the court order of the Criminal Code and a second appeal to the court will be required. A new meeting will be held in person, where a citizen can declare the expiration of the statute of limitations.

To write off debts, according to the expert, is also possible during bankruptcy proceedings, if the defaulter has debts in banks or credit organizations totaling more than 500 thousand rubles. To do this, you must apply to the Arbitration Court of the subject of the Russian Federation at the place of permanent residence.

Khantimirov stressed that a list of creditors with the amount of their claims, an inventory of property, information on income, real estate transactions that were made by the defaulter over the past three years must be attached to the bankruptcy application. The court declares a citizen bankrupt if the level of income and property is insufficient to pay off debts. After the completion of the bankruptcy procedure, the court will release the citizen from debts for payments for housing and communal services.

Also, enforcement proceedings may be terminated due to the impossibility of collecting a debt. In this case, the FSSP cannot receive funds from a citizen’s bank account or find property that can be sold at auction. Thus, enforcement proceedings are terminated within a period of one to three years.

March 8, 2022, 11:03 | author: Maria Solovieva | Photo: en.depositphotos.com

All neighbors envy: One top dressing will give a real super-yield of cucumbers in 90%Summer residents with experience told how to get a bountiful harvest of cucumbers. Gardeners with experience have noted that it is enough to mix all the ingredients correctly and prepare the solution correctly, then the result should be 90%.

According to experienced gardeners, to prepare the solution, you will need ash, as well as sugar, a solution of potassium permanganate, dry or compressed yeast, meat and bone or fish meal, soda, premix and ground egg shells.

It is worth noting that the solution is made in a bucket of water. As experienced summer residents say, before dissolving fertilizers, it is necessary to dissolve potassium permanganate in water so that the water turns pink, writes UssurMedia.

Then you can start diluting fertilizers: summer residents with experience advise first to dissolve 150 grams of sugar, then you can add 1 tablespoon of baking soda, then you should add a package of yeast, then 150 grams of flour, complete the process with 100 grams of premix, 30 grams of ground egg shell and 200 grams of wood rock.

March 8, 2022, 10:03 | author: Irina Mikhalkova | Photo: en.depositphotos.com

On April 9, Ufa will host the Total Dictation for the 11th timeOn April 9, Ufa will host the Total Dictation for the 11th time. The city headquarters of the organizers is preparing for an educational campaign and invites participation of the platform where it will be possible to write a dictation, philologists who will check the work, and volunteers.

Among the venues, residents and guests of Ufa will once again see educational institutions, libraries and public spaces of the city. However, the circle does not end there: you can hold the action anywhere, including organizing a corporate Total Dictation right in your office.

The author of the text this year was Marina Stepnova, a Russian writer, translator and screenwriter. By tradition, the text of the dictation will be read by well-known TV presenters and public figures, professional philologists and teachers.

Participation in the action is free, everyone is welcome – the main thing is to be able to write in Russian! Start at 13.00. It will be possible to register on the sites from March 30 through the official website of the Total Dictation https://totaldict.ru/ufa/. You can also follow the news of the project there. All relevant information is also published on the social networks of the action.

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