When we sleep, we generally want it to be quiet. Because every sound can wake you up. A partner who snores can therefore seriously disturb a night’s sleep. What can be done about it?
Up to 90 decibels of sound
It is nice to sleep together, but this can also cause unrest or even frustration. If your partner cuts down entire forests at night, it can cause a lot of noise. A snorer can make up to 90 decibels of noise. That is comparable to the sound volume of a chainsaw. Simply wearing a pair of earplugs is therefore no longer useful.
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Why does someone snore?
If someone snores, it can be for several reasons. It can be a cold, then the problem often resolves itself quickly. But an allergy or abnormality in the septum of the nose can also be a cause. The way someone lies in bed can also cause them to snore. Those who lie on their back snore faster because the jaw and tongue then fall a little more into the throat. But also alcohol, aging and obesity could be a cause.
What can be done about a snoring partner?
Those who snore themselves probably do not notice it, but if you lie next to it, it can therefore cause interrupted nights. What can you do about the snorer next to you? There are several things to try, but not all of them will help.
Pushing or sewing on a tennis ball
If your partner snores when he or she is lying on their back, a nudge or nudge can help stop the snoring for a while. But those who are avid snorers will soon resume cutting down trees. It is also sometimes said to sew a tennis ball to the back of the sleeping shirt or shirt, so that the person can no longer lie on their back. But those are not remedies that will help in the long term.

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Have a sleep study done
Anyone who snores a lot, often and loudly would do well to undergo a sleep study. Because snoring can also have a medical cause. For example, those who have large tonsils also have a greater chance of snoring. But also often having a closed nose causes more snoring. Muscle relaxant medicines don’t help either, because at night the tissues in the throat already relax. Whoever (often) stops breathing, may suffer from sleep apnea.
Anti-snoring products
There are all kinds of anti-snoring products available, but not everything is of the same good quality. Maurits de Ruiter disagrees Linda. He is a dental surgeon and chairman of the Dutch Association for Dental Sleep Medicine. “Apnea is an official diagnosis, but snoring is not.” This ensures that only people with sleep apnea are reimbursed for products. These are quite expensive applications, which means that people without a diagnosis are not likely to buy them. That is why cheaper alternatives have appeared on the market. According to the chairman, a sleep study can therefore also be good, because then such a product may be reimbursed.
Sleep position trainer and brace
For example, there is a sleep position trainer, which is also called position therapy. This is a chest strap that vibrates as soon as the person lies on their back. De Ruiter mentions an MRA brace as a good option. This is a custom-made brace that pulls the lower jaw slightly forward, opening up the airways. According to him, this works for 80 to 90 percent of snorers. The disadvantage, such a bracket can easily cost 300 to 500 euros.
‘Watch out for bad bits’
ENT doctor Peter van Maanen also warns RTL News for ‘fake’ bits. Many companies respond to the demand for mouthguards by offering a cheaper alternative, “but the effectiveness of these products has not been proven.”

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Both have their own bedroom
If nothing works or you do not want to buy (expensive) products, there is always the option to sleep separately from each other. It may sound uncomfortable, but it will ensure that you both sleep well. Sleeping separately from each other does not have to say anything about the relationship.
And otherwise: accept the snoring
And otherwise there is only 1 solution: learn to accept it from the other. Once you start fussing and frustrating it will only get worse. Accepting that the other person can’t help it can provide some peace of mind for yourself.
(Source: NPO Kennis, RTL Nieuws, Margriet, Linda. Photo: Shutterstock)