Home » today » Technology » What can Razer smart glasses do for CZK 4,500 and how does it differ from classic ones?

What can Razer smart glasses do for CZK 4,500 and how does it differ from classic ones?

Razer manufactures products mainly focused on players and their needs. This is not the case with the new product either. Razer introduced smart glasses for players named Anzu. But new glasses don’t just have to engage players. They could also be used by ordinary users and especially by people who work long hours at computers and other screens. Let’s see what new glasses can do and what they can attract.

You connect Razor glasses to your phone or computer via Bluetooth. Then through the glasses you can receive calls and call through built-in microphones and speakers. You can activate the voice assistant via the built-in touch panel on the side of the glasses. The panel is also used for skipping songs and simple operation. The main function that glasses offer is reduction blue light up to 35%.

Razer introduced Anzu smart glasses mainly for players, so we can also find in the glasses game modewhich speeds up audio response and enhances the gaming experience. Smart glasses offer 5 hours of active use on one charge. In terms of design and size, the glasses offer rectangular and round frames of two sizes. Although many of these features are offered by wireless headphones, smart glasses could be interesting alternative with an additional function in the form of blue light reduction.

Do you protect your eyes from blue light?

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