Home » today » News » What can happen after deaths from coronavirus in nursing homes in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

What can happen after deaths from coronavirus in nursing homes in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

emerging in churches, centerscommunity, complexespublic housing and centerscultural throughout the state.hope: and several arisebills after arecent study of the prosecutionfor coronavirus deathsin senior centers in newyork, from albany they tell uscals are the proposals forDo not repeat the story.reporter: after thenew york attorney generalLeticia James will publish or theresults of an investigationabout the deaths ofcoronavirus in centerselderly care, affirmingthat the figures could be 56%more than those reported by thestate, as a result of this aproposal seeks to regulateminimal number of workershealth that must havehospital centers bypatients.in a hospital we said thata nurse for fourpatients, inappropriate levelof personnel puts at risklife, that had a lot to dowith which it worked.reporter: in a conferenceberto to legislatorsrepublicans demandedestablish a commissiontemporary to investigate whatoccurred in the centers ofolder adults, a thirdproposal would create fundcompensation forrelatives of victimsdeceased in homes ofelderly, news a mink 41wanted to know the reaction ofthose affected, who supportthe proposal that is forintroduce themselves, and ask to be partof the discussions.there are still peopleold women who are dyingDuring the pandemic, that goesto help a lot, and have agovernment group forcommunicate and sit withus, and try a plan, thatwe dont have it.reporter: the proposal foreconomically compensaterelatives looked similar tofund created for victimsSeptember 11resources would be obtainedimposing a fee onnursing homes.it is unknown when thelegislature will debate the

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