Prevents blood clots from forming
Did you know that blood clots are the source of the oil that causes stroke and ischemic stroke? Blood clots obstruct blood flow to the brain, reducing the supply of oxygen and blood to brain cells and leading to a stroke. Patients with atrial fibrillation, heart valve disease, diabetes, people who have a habit of smoking… are subjects at high risk of stroke. To reduce the risk of blood clots forming, you need to keep a few things in mind:
Limit sitting for a long time: Sitting for too long reduces blood circulation and increases the risk of blood clots. Change your sitting position often and, if possible, get up and move around often throughout the day.
Drink enough water: Drinking enough water helps maintain the necessary moisture in the body and helps improve blood circulation.
Do exercise: Regular exercise improves blood circulation and reduces the risk of blood clots. However, if you already have blood clots or heart problems, consult your doctor before exercising.
Drug use: If you are at high risk for blood clots or have had a blood clot in the past, you may be prescribed anticoagulants, which dissolve blood clots.
Prevents the formation of blood clots helps prevent brain stroke
Control blood pressure
In addition to blood clots, high blood pressure is also a risk factor for stroke. Therefore, keeping blood pressure stable will help blood vessels suffer damage, prevent stroke. To keep blood pressure at a safe level, it is very important to take blood pressure medication at the right dose, every day. You should not stop taking your medicine or change it on your own without consulting your doctor. Besides, you need to eat less salt, less sugar.
Salt is present in many different condiments such as: fish sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, seasoning… or in canned food, fast food. To control the amount of salt in your body, you need to limit the use of spices when cooking, instead you can use healthy natural herbal spices such as star anise, pepper …

Eating less salt reduces the risk of stroke caused by high blood pressure
Adjust the scientific diet
Unscientific and unhealthy eating habits are a factor that causes you to have a stroke. Greasy foods (chips, fried chicken wings, fried cakes…), fast foods (sausages, sausages, bacon…), carbonated soft drinks (soft drinks, beer, wine, etc.) Not good for health but popular with young people. This is also the reason why the rate of stroke in young people is increasing day by day.
A healthy diet with lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat poultry, seeds, beans, fish, non-alcoholic beverages and adequate water can help reduce the risk of stroke. . In particular, certain foods that contain antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene can minimize damage to brain cells and reduce the risk of stroke. Besides, reducing consumption of fast food, carbonated drinks, foods high in sugar and salt is also an effective method to reduce the risk of stroke. Maintaining a healthy weight and getting regular physical activity are also part of a healthy diet and help reduce your risk of stroke.

A scientific diet will help you prevent stroke
Use the Nattospes stroke prevention product
Besides the above methods to prevent stroke, you should combine the use of herbal products to help prevent brain stroke. TPBVSK Nattospes is a herbal product that has been voted as the number 1 trusted product for stroke patients in Vietnam.
Many experts appreciate Nattospes’ effectiveness in preventing stroke, especially in people at high risk. Nattospes has been clinically studied at the 108 Military Central Institute, the 103 Military Medical Institute, the Bach Mai Institute for the effect of supporting the prevention and dissolution of blood clots, thereby reducing the risk of cerebrovascular accident due to embolism. Support recovery of sequelae after a stroke.

Nattospes supports effective brain stroke prevention
Since its inception, the effectiveness of Nattospes has been recognized by thousands of patients. Typically, the case of Mr. Phan Xuan Hiem (Bo Trach, Quang Binh) was able to escape the situation of left hemiplegia after a stroke when persistently using Nattospes in combination with physical therapy.
The stroke caused Mr. Hiem’s left half to be completely paralyzed and unable to move. All personal activities from bathing to eating must depend on his wife and children. Thinking that he had to spend the rest of his life in bed, luck came to him when he knew Nattospes. After only 2 months of using Nattospes, his mobility improved significantly. He can walk on his own without the help of his wife and children. Seeing good changes, he continued to use Nattospes to recover from sequelae and prevent complications. Now Mr. Hiem’s health is stable, he can ride a bicycle 10 km a day and garden – his favorite job.

Mr. Hiem has recovered his mobility thanks to persistent use of Nattospes
Brain stroke is dangerous, but you can completely prevent it early by following the above tips and especially using Nattospes products every day.
*This food is not a medicine, it is not a substitute for medicine!
*Products are sold at drugstores nationwide.