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What can be done and what exceptions to isolation are evaluated in Neuquén

The governor Omar Gutiérrez is evaluating the scope of the social isolation phase, preventive and mandatory in Neuquén capital, Plottier and Centenario, after the national government decided to back down due to the increase in cases of covid-19 in recent weeks.

Returning to the strict quarantine stage means that only essential activities are allowed, although DNU 576, signed today by President Alberto Fernández, gives governors the power to exempt more items, provided they comply with sanitary protocols.

A priori, those that do are enabled for the decree are 30:

1. Health Personnel, Security Forces, Armed Forces, migratory activity, National Meteorological Service, firefighters and air traffic control.

2. Superior authorities of the National, Provincial, and Municipal Governments and of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires; workers of the national, provincial, municipal public sector and of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, summoned and summoned by the respective authorities.

3. Staff current justice services, as established by the competent authorities.

4. Diplomatic staff and foreign consular accredited to the Argentine government and staff of international organizations accredited to the Argentine government, the Red Cross and White Helmets.

5. People who must attend others with disabilities, to relatives who need assistance, to the elderly, to boys, girls or adolescents.

6. People who must attend to a situation of force majeure.

7. People affected to the realization of funeral services, burials and cremations. In such a framework, activities that signify meeting of people are not authorized.

8. People affected by attention of school canteens, community and picnic areas.

9. Personnel working in the audiovisual, radio and graphic communication services.

10. Personnel affected by public work.

11. Supermarkets wholesalers and retailers and retailers of proximity food, personal hygiene and cleaning. Pharmacy. Hardware stores. Veterinary. Bottle provision.

12. Industries food, its production chain and supplies; personal hygiene and cleanliness; of medical equipment, medicines, vaccines and other sanitary supplies.

13. Activities related to production, distribution and marketing of agriculture and fishing.

14. Activities telecommunications, fixed and mobile internet and digital services.

15. Non-deferrable activities related to foreign trade.

16. Collection, transport and treatment of urban solid waste, dangerous and pathogenic.

17. Maintenance of basic services (water, electricity, gas, communications, etc.) and emergency care.

18. Public passenger transportation, transportation of goods, oil, fuels and LPG.

19. Delivery of food, medicines, hygiene products, cleaning products and other necessary supplies.

20. Laundry services.

21. Postal and parcel distribution services.

22. Essential surveillance, cleaning and guard services.

23. Minimum guards to ensure the operation and maintenance of oil and gas fields, oil and gas treatment and / or refining plants, transportation and distribution of electric energy, liquid fuels, oil and gas, fuel dispensing stations and electric power generators.

24. Sociedad de la Estado Casa de Moneda, ATM services, cash transport.

25. Operation of nuclear power plants. Hotels affected by the health emergency service. Airport operation. Operation of garages and parking lots with minimum provisions. Restaurants, prepared food places and fast food places, with home delivery services. Circulation of the ministers of the different cults for the purpose of providing spiritual assistance.

26. Registration, identification and documentation of people.

27. Movement of people with disabilities and professionals who serve them. Banking with customer service, exclusively with shift system.

28. National and provincial registry activity, with shift system and minimum guards. Income offices, with shift systems and minimum guards. Establishments for the care of people victims of gender violence. Scheduled medical and dental care, of preventive nature and monitoring of chronic diseases, with a previous shift system. Clinical analysis laboratories and diagnostic imaging centers, with a previous shift system. Optics, with previous shift system.

29. Transfer of children and adolescents.

30. ANSES staff.

The Neuquén and Cipolletti highway bridge maintains strict controls. Photo: Yamil Regules

The DNU indicates that, in conglomerates with less than 500,000 inhabitants, the governors may provide new exceptions to the fulfillment of social, preventive and compulsory isolation and to the prohibition of moving in order to authorize industrial, service, commercial, social, sports or recreational activities.

This is what Gutiérrez is analyzing for these hours, since he must ratify or back down with several items that were open so far: Liberal professions, private work, clothing stores, toy stores, bazaars, computers, among others, in addition to recreational and sports outings.

The intention until yesterday, before knowing the scope of the presidential decree, was to maintain the current measures and reevaluate the situation in a week.

The restrictions in Neuquén capital, until now, had not reversed with the opening of restaurants, bars, gyms and swimming pools, but the presidential DNU expressly prohibits them. Social gatherings had already been suspended before, when the regrowth of cases began.

The national standard establishes that displacement of people reached by the exceptions to the social, preventive and obligatory isolation and the prohibition to circulate they should be limited “to strict compliance with the authorized activity”.

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