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What awaits you in April according to the horoscope of Pavel Globa ᐉ News from Fakti.bg – Curious

The Blue Water Tiger, which became master this year, is purposeful and even a little proud. He patronizes people with similar traits. Most signs of the Zodiac in a number of situations will be able to control things and turn everything to their advantage. The others will have to trust their own intuition and act as their inner voice dictates, jenata.blitz.bg writes.

For most representatives of the Zodiac drastic changes in April are not expected, but you do not need to organize them yourself. Especially when it comes to personal relationships. Conflicts in the workplace are not ruled out, but there are generally more successful days.

If you pay attention to the auspicious days, almost all will be in the second half of the month – April 13-15, April 21-24 and April 27. They will become a pleasant relaxation after the unfavorable days – April 4, 8, 9 and 11, when you really have to be careful in everything.

In terms of finances, says astrologer Pavel Globa, only those who make the maximum effort will be able to enjoy additional profits. There is also a risk of losing cash in the middle of the month.

If you want to advance in your career, you should not get involved in adventurous affairs, otherwise you will be in debt by the end of the month. However, in no case should you turn to private creditors for help.

In terms of health, most members of the Zodiac should not worry about disease, but caution on the street and at home will be important because there is a risk of injury.

The astrologer also says that in April it will not be superfluous to take care of the nervous system. If possible, avoid conflict situations at home and at work.

Here is what each zodiac sign should be prepared for, according to Pavel Globa’s forecast:


Promising prospects for you to realize yourself as a creative person will open before you.

If your loved ones need help, it’s worth providing it. Gratitude will not make you wait.

It is good for women to slightly change their image. However, the time has not yet come for new acquaintances with men.


It’s not time to relax! This is the motto of this month. April will be tense in every way. If you want to plan a vacation or a fun weekend with friends, don’t do it yet.

Single representatives of the zodiac will get a great chance for a new relationship.


You will need to take on the role of a reliable support for your loved ones, especially for older family members.


This month will be more than amazing. Romantic intrigues may even occur.

In other areas of life, do not ask for outside help. The likelihood of financial problems is high, but they will be successfully resolved by the last decade of April.


If you have the opportunity to go on a business trip or just travel, take advantage of it. The acquaintances made during the trip will be very useful for you in the future. You do not have to be afraid of failure. Difficult situations will be resolved practically by themselves.


The month will be quite controversial. You will need to combine your personal interests and desires with what others want. You can plan a small vacation, but it is better not to leave the city.


In April you will have to make a sober assessment of your capabilities. This month will be especially successful for people who are creative. Everyone else must be prepared for conflict situations.


Difficulties in the family await those whose partner does not want to learn how to save or take on certain household responsibilities. There is a high probability that you will finally be repaid a large debt.


It is very important in April to focus on work and deal with your debts. Remember that not everyone is involved in finance. Unfinished documents, unfulfilled promises – all this matters.


The month will pass steadily, without surprises. Therefore, there is no point in making grand plans for April.

The stars say that it would be better to wait for the quiet period to pass and just drift.


With Aquarius, one will never be bored. But they will have to learn to take responsibility. Family, not work, should come to the fore in April.


In April, Pisces will have to become more active, for example, to make repairs in their home or meet new people. Lifestyle changes will not hurt them.


Grade 5 from 1 voice.

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