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what awaits these three signs from January 27 to February 20, 2023 – Astrology – tsn.ua

For almost the entire 2022, these signs were under the protection and patronage of Jupiter, the benefactor planet. And if the representatives of the signs of the elements of Water correctly took advantage of the opportunities of the past year, they were able to find comfort, resolve issues related to abroad and provide themselves with resources for the next 12 years, says astrologer Marina Skadi (Marina Sokolova).

The transit of Venus through the signs of the elements of Water also brings many pleasant moments to Cancers, Pisces and Scorpios, but these events and circumstances are not as large-scale as during the transit of Jupiter through water signs. Basically, these are everyday situations that are more related to inner life, family affairs, romantic relationships.

Fire and Water are primary elements. It is their interaction that gives the third element – Air, and the element of Earth is formed from them. Fire has an earthly origin and a heavenly purpose, because it strives upward. Water is terrestrial, since it falls into it as rain. It is of heavenly origin and earthly purpose.

The element of Water is the stage of perception, reaction to something, absorption, acceptance, reflection. Responding to the action of the first impulse (Fire), passive energy manifests its potential (Water) and a reaction appears. There is an acceptance, absorption of energy into oneself from the outside world. This is female energy (but does not mean that we are talking only about gender), dark, passive.

In nature it is the filling of the juices of the trees, the growth of grass, the blooming of leaves and the swelling of the buds. Revival of nature, fertilization.

In the world of man it’s breastfeeding, nutrition, weight gain and bulking, the first perceptions.

In the Universe it is the responsible movement of the dark and cold component of the Universe towards the light.

Basic analogies – 2, two dots, which, when connected, represent a line segment. In a circle, as in a symbol of a whole system of one whole, it symbolizes the feminine and passivity. In astrology, the Moon and all its phases – new moon, waxing phase, full moon, waning phase and new moon.

Venus – the planet of “small happiness”, symbolizes the small joys of life, ordinary earthly desires. In the sign of Pisces, it has a strong status – exaltation, the planet is characterized by a special elevation here.

During the transit of Venus in this sign, representatives of the elements of Water: Crayfish, Scorpio, Pisces – fall under its harmonious influence. Increased attractiveness, sexuality, so those born under the water signs of the Zodiac receive a lot of attention, gifts, compliments addressed to them. Increased magnetism, charm and charm helps to solve many current issues, especially if their outcome depends on the opposite sex.

Transiting Venus in Pisces forms harmonious aspects with the natal Sun of representatives of the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Such aspects contribute to the enhancement of creativity, intuition, sensuality, but can also give a desire to retire and dream, since people during this period are able to do without the support of others, while not experiencing discomfort. During the movement of Venus in Pisces, such people have a very active emotional life and a high level of sensitivity.

Venus in Pisces from January 27 to February 20 can bring love without boundaries and express itself in the most beautiful deeds, awaken the desire to fall in love. First of all, Pisces will be influenced by the planet, but Cancers and Scorpios will also be able to reach agreement with themselves and come into balance with the outside world.

This transit is not associated with material wealth, but it will create a healthy psychological climate surrounded by Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios. During this period, women become more charming, and men become more romantic. A fateful meeting may occur far from home, by the sea-ocean.

Until April 13, a light karmic point moves in the sign of Pisces – White moon, as well as Neptune – the ruler of this zodiac sign. This combination greatly increases the likelihood of catching a lucky chance and changing life for the better. The favorites, of course, are Pisces, but Cancers and Scorpios also get a lot of positive in the period from January 27 to February 20.

Being under the auspices of Neptune, Venus freely manifests itself, reveals itself. There is a growing interest in art, culture and music – these areas contribute to rapprochement with other people. Internal problems that used to accumulate and lay a heavy burden in the soul can resolve themselves. In astrologers, the sign of Pisces is considered the place of exaltation of Venus. This means that the planet is in its “exaltation”, expresses its inherent properties in the best possible way. Venus in Pisces can give magical moments in love, make you feel a deep connection with your soulmate.

Often associated with rose-colored glasses, Venus in Pisces evokes idealism. Neptune, as the main ruler of Pisces, loves to blur the boundaries, makes it possible to know real feelings – when two people understand each other without words. Under his influence, real masterpieces are created, faith is gained. The combined influence of Venus, the White Moon and Neptune in Pisces creates favorable conditions for the harmonious development of love relationships, emigration, and establishing relationships with foreigners. But such transits are unfavorable for the business sphere, the solution of monetary issues. Errors, miscalculations, illusions, deceit and self-deception in financial matters can be a possible expression.

Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios need to be more attentive to the environment in the coming month, because. secret ill-wishers at this time are activated. However, for people of creative professions, this is a good time, it will bring inspiration, improve well-being. The period can also become financially successful if the activity is related to the beauty industry or art. Venus in Pisces helps you deal with your feelings and desires. And if they are adequate to your means and capabilities, then they will certainly be fulfilled, even without taking any special measures for this.

Venus in Pisces lives according to the laws of Neptune, as if it dissolves in this planet. Neptune is the Roman god of the seas and oceans. Initially, he was revered as the god of the waters. His wife was the goddess of springs – Salacia. With the development of navigation, Neptune began to be revered as the god of the sea. He had a large retinue, which included deities personifying storms, winds, calm and good weather. Neptune was revered by people associated with the sea or going on a sea voyage.

In Greek mythology, Neptune corresponds to Poseidon – the Olympian god, the ruler of the sea kingdom and all its inhabitants. His cult became widespread, since the Greeks, unlike the Romans, were more skilled and experienced navigators. According to their ideas, the wonderful palace of the brother-thunderer – Zeus, was deep in the abyss of the sea. Poseidon, armed with a formidable trident, was obedient to the seas, oceans and all their inhabitants. His beautiful wife Amphitrite is the daughter of the sea god Nereus, who was revered as a kind, wise and fair old man. He personified the calm sea depth and promised the sailors a happy voyage.

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