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What authorities in New York recommend to avoid infections at Christmas holidays | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

cloudiness.York has broken the challenge in more casescoronavirus positivesreported in a single day fromthat started the pandemic, in thestate it was announced that almost22,000 people had givenpositive for covid19, onlytoday the record, the previous one wasalmost 21,000 people, we go withwings to protect us in the middleof this new wave ofcoronavirus.violet: the christmas partyhe looked at her face.my health was seenengaged, a year agoI was at a party in NewYork, no one was sick,but after a weekI started to feel bad, Ia friend called that was thethat he had a birthday and he told me thatseveral people had come outpositive.before the sad news ofgovernor where hasduplicated the case of thepositivity in these states,now it’s been a long timethe crowd.violet: the festivities ofChristmas are reasons for reunionand share as a family, toshow an example let’s see whatwhat is happening the greatApple.for residents and visitorsmakes an emblematic square, thefear becomes part of lifeeveryday, let’s love each other andthe picture is the same, thepeople have lost their fear ofafraid.I say that it is not right, thepeople are not afraid.violet: but I see that youwalk in it.don’t go to parties, listenpeople who know thatus.violet: the recommendation ofthe cdc is not to go to aparty, mask, you get itimportant is that if you haveintimates avoid leaving your home.

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