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What are ultra-processed foods and how to recognize them – News

Far beyond canned burgers, snack packs or powdered juices, ultra-processed foods they fill the shelves of supermarkets and attract the attention of the population for their massive advertising and, above all, because they are cheaper than natural or minimally processed products.

It is important to note that even products that are considered healthy, such as wholemeal bread, yogurt and juices, can be classified as ultra-processed.

The recommendation of the Food Guide for the Brazilian population, a document of the Ministry of Health, is that this type of food should not be consumed, as it is highly harmful to health.

“High in fat or sugar and often at the same time high in fat and sugar. It is common that they have a high sodium content, due to the addition of large amounts of salt, necessary to extend the shelf life of the products and intensify their flavor, or even to cover unwanted aromas deriving from additives or substances generated by the techniques involved. in ultra-processing. ” , describes the manual.

Nupens / USP (Nucleus for Epidemiological Research in Nutrition and Health at the University of São Paulo) researcher Ana Paula Bortoletto teaches how to recognize products.

“It is important to read the list of ingredients to identify, for example, if it has flour, oil, sugar. Those ingredients that are part of the cuisine we use in our homes. But also other names of substances, extracts, additives that distinguish the food we use in our home, which is what we call ultra-processed foods ”.

The industry uses numerous additives that can be listed in the ingredients list such as glucose syrup, protein extract, emulsifier, dyeing, sweetener, hydrogenated fat, aromas And modified starch.

The function of these additives is to mask the taste of industrialization. “Food additives that change the characteristics of foods, we usually call cosmetic food additives, which are like makeup,” warns Ana Paula.

Why are these substances harmful?

The Food Guide explains that the processes used to extend the shelf life of the product are the most harmful.

“To last long and not go rancid soon, ultra-processed foods are often made with fats that resist oxidation, but which tend to clog the arteries that carry blood through our bodies.”

Furthermore, they are low in fiber – essential for the prevention of heart disease, diabetes and various types of cancer – and in vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances that are naturally present in natural or minimally processed foods.

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