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What are the vehicular accesses and pedestrian bridges …

From today, federal forces, the City Police, Buenos Aires Transit agents and the Buenos Aires police will reinforce controls in public transport, in 40 vehicular accesses to the City of Buenos Aires, at the 26 pedestrian crossings and other critical points on the highway network.

In this way, it seeks to guarantee, within the framework of a new and stricter quarantine stage, that they only move essential workers

“Now everything is again restrictive as on March 20, with the beginning of isolation,” compared the Secretary of National Security, Eduardo Villalba.

To circulate in the new phase, essential workers should re-process your permits
They can be printed, digitally or in the Caring application. To do this, they must enter the SUBE card number or registration.

Also, will be enabled special permissions
which will last 24 hours and can only be processed twice a week
. These permits are intended for separated fathers and mothers, and for those who need to carry out urgent procedures and emergencies, as well as being in charge of assisting relatives and people who are undergoing prolonged medical treatment.

Together, controls will be carried out on public transport users in the different Transfer Centers; Metrobus corridors; income to the subway enabled and on the bus lines that circulate in the city.

In the lines of trains, that arrive from the Conurbano to the City, there will be three types of controls: at the headwaters, on arrival and departure; in the wagons, controlling the distance and the number of passengers, and in the stations with the greatest presence.

In the train network, the Ministry of Security reinforced the controls with agents of the Federal Police: Roca (728 troops), Miter (537 troops), Sarmiento (160), Urquiza (269), Belgrano Norte (354), Belgrano sur (222) and San Martín (292).

Since this morning, the Ministry of Transport reported that as of today The “Book your train” system on the Sarmiento Line of the railway will be compulsory for all essential workers who use the service from 6 to 10, direction to Capital Federal, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. System that already works on the Miter -Ramal Tigre Line.

Villalba explained that in the inter-jurisdictional crossing controls, the federal forces will control the veracity of certificates, while within the City the City Police will do it and, outside of CABA, the provincial police, getting on the bus and verifying that the passengers have permission.

Access enabled

  • Alsina Bridge

  • Rock Avenue Crossing

  • Crossing Av. Eva Perón

  • Crossing Av. Rivadavia

  • Crossing Av. San Martín

  • Crossing Av. Cabildo

  • Avellaneda Park Toll;

  • Illia toll

  • Dellepiane toll, Ricardo Balbín highway

  • Pueyrredón New Bridge

  • La Noria Bridge

  • Crossing Av. February 27

  • Av. Gral Paz ascent for February 27

  • West Access

  • Autopista Ricchieri

  • North Access

  • Avellaneda Bridge

  • Lugones and Sarmiento

  • Ascent to the 25 de Mayo highway (Liniers).

Semi-enabled accesses for health, security, public transport and cargo personnel

  • Crossing Av. Francisco Fernández de la Cruz Avenue

  • Pedro de Mendoza Bridge

  • Crossing Av. De los Corrales Avenida

  • Cruce Av. Emilio Castro

  • Calle Tonelero Street Crossing

  • Víctor Hugo Calle Crossing

  • Crossing Calle Ricardo Gutiérrez / San Martín railway

  • Crossing Emilio Lamarca and crossing Av. Juan B Justo.

  • Cruce Av. Juan B. Alberdi

  • Plaza Victorino Bridge

  • Olympic bridge

  • Pueyrredón Viejo Bridge

  • Crossing Calle Agrelo

  • Zapiola Bridge

  • Return Gral. Paz Río de la Plata from Gral. Paz to Riachuelo / crossing Av. San Martín

  • Return Gral. Paz Río de la Plata from Gral. Paz to Riachuelo / height Av. Del Libertador

  • Crossing Av. Parque Roberto Goyeneche

  • Plaza street crossing

  • Crossing Av. De los Constituyentes.

The 27 closed entrances are:

  • Av. Gral. Paz Cruce Calle Griveo Calle

  • Crossing Calle La Cachila Calle

  • Zufriategui and Colectora Cantilo

  • Return Junction AU Luis Dellepiane and Av. Gral. Paz from Rio de la Plata to Riachuelo

  • Bosch Bridge

  • Superi Bridge

  • Av. Gral. Paz cross Calle Grecia

  • Crossing Calle 11 de Septiembre de 1888 Calle

  • Av. Gral. Paz Cruce Curupayti / Urquiza Street railway

  • Crossing Dr. Ángel Roffo Calle Street

  • Calle Tinogasta Street Crossing

  • Av. Gral. Paz Crossing Calle Bruselas Calle

  • Ibarrola Street Crossing

  • Av. Gral. Paz Cruce Concordia

  • Cruce Cnel. Martiniano Chilavert

  • Junction AU Luis Dellepiane and Av. Gral. Paz

  • Crossing Av. Libertador Avenue

  • Descent Av. Gral. Paz (exit Vedia street / Zapiola height)

  • Bajada Av. Gral. Paz (exit Vedia street / height Superi)

  • Ricardo Balbín Crossing;

  • Of. Gral. Paz Cruce Av. Gral. Mosconi

  • Perito Moreno Highway – Bajada Gallardo

  • Av. Lugones y Dorrego

  • Av. Lugones y Ombúes

  • Av. Lugones and La Pampa

  • Av. Lugones y Udaondo

  • Gral Paz and Jorge Chávez.

Pedestrian bridges enabled

  • Pedestrian Bridge Av. Gral. Paz (February 27)

  • Pedestrian Bridge (Av. Gral. Paz y Madariaga)

  • Pedestrian Bridge (Av. Gral. Paz y Corrales)

  • Pedestrian Bridge (Av. Gral. Paz and Gral. Fructuoso Rivera)

  • Pedestrian Bridges Av. Gral. Paz (Gulet Santa Cruz)

  • Pedestrian Bridge Av. Gral. Paz (Zuviria)

  • Pedestrian Bridge Av. Gral. Paz (De la Rosa)

  • Pedestrian Bridge (Gregorio de Laferrere).

  • Pedestrian Bridge Av. Gral. Paz (Av Directory)

  • Pedestrian Bridge Av. Gral. Paz (Rodó);

  • Pedestrian Bridge Av. Gral. Paz (Tapalqué)

  • Pedestrian Bridge Av. Gral. Paz (U. Schmidl)

  • Boqueron Humaita Pedestrian Bridge

  • Pedestrian Bridge Av. Gral. Paz (Aguaribay)

  • Pedestrian Bridge Av. Gral. Paz (Arregui)

  • Gallardo Street Pedestrian Bridge

  • Pedestrian Bridge Av. Gral. Paz (Bermudez)

  • Pedestrian Bridge (Calle Mercedes).

  • Pedestrian Bridge (Ezeiza)

  • Pedestrian Bridge (Condarco)

  • Pedestrian Bridge Bajada Juan B de la Salle 3932M

  • Juan B. de la Salle 4850 Pedestrian Bridge

  • Juan B. de la Salle Pedestrian Bridge (Rivera Indarte)

  • Pedestrian Bridge Av. Gral. Paz (Mariano Acha)

  • Vedia Pedestrian Bridge

  • Children’s Park Bridge.

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