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What are the symptoms of this ‘unstoppable’ virus that worries scientists?

This is a new one virus which increasingly worries the scientists and could wreak havoc. Indeed, l’oropouche has recently arrived in Europe and the lack of treatment is causing fears of the worst. Especially since on the other side of the Atlantic, cases are piling up.

A few weeks ago, the news caused a stir within the scientific community. Two women
originating from Brazil are deaths as a result of this tropical disease. It is usually transmitted by the midge Culicoides paraensis, an insect that is also known as the black fly. But since then, new cases have been reported on the old continent.

Oropouche virus worries scientists

ECDC specialists are concerned because of the similarities with other now well-known infections, so doctors are advised to be vigilant.
“While the symptoms Oropouche (Orov) virus disease can be very close
other arbovirus infections such as dengue fever,
chikungunyaZika or even malaria, the Orov laboratory test should be carried out when other tests for more common diseases come back negative.”

The threat is not to be taken lightly however. Even if the symptoms are not necessarily very serious for the majority of sick people.

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Symptoms may be more severe for patients with oropouche virus

L’infection Oropouche virus is manifested by a febrile syndrome with headaches, nausea, vomiting, body aches, polyarthralgia, and ‘sometimes symptoms more severe’.”our colleagues detail. Vigilance is required for pregnant women who may experience more severe complications that can lead to malformations or fetal death even though the ECDC prefers to remain cautious. It is also advisable to follow the same precautions as for the Zika virus. The areas of distribution of the two diseases are broadly the same.

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