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What are the symptoms after having IUI and becoming pregnant? – BLT Bangkok

IUI is another way to help those with infertility. able to conceive successfully But it must be a group of people with infertility that comes from non-severe causes. The body also facilitates the sperm’s journey to the egg cell. and can support internal fertilization There is still a chance of getting pregnant from IUI. After IUI, some symptoms will occur. Makes many people have doubts thatWhat are the symptoms after having IUI and becoming pregnant? This time, the article has gathered information about IUI for you, specifically focusing on information after IUI.

What is IUI?

Before getting into information about symptoms after IUI and getting pregnant, let’s first understand what IUI is. IUI is a treatment for infertility. Under the supervision of a specialized doctor By means of injecting sperm into the uterine cavity. To solve some problems that prevent eggs and sperm from naturally fertilizing each other. Therefore, it must rely on injections directly into the uterine cavity. The sperm must pass through the fallopian tube to the uterus. But this method will not be used for people with abnormalities on both fallopian tubes.

What are the steps for doing IUI?

To understand the symptoms after IUI and how to become pregnant or not. Let’s look at the steps first to see what steps this treatment has. What organs does it affect? ​​In IUI, the procedure is not very complicated. Compared to other methods of infertility treatment The doctor will have the male patient collect the sperm in a container by himself. Before the doctor selects healthy sperm To be injected into the woman’s uterus.

Initially, the doctor will use a vaginal dilator. Followed by inserting the semen cannula into the uterine cavity. Next, the doctor will inject the selected semen. Enters the woman’s uterus. To allow the sperm and egg to fertilize each other. The sperm will mix with the egg that falls into the woman’s fallopian tube.

Before semen is injected into the woman’s uterus. Women will receive egg stimulation from the doctor until ovulation has already occurred. In summary, the steps for IUI are:

1. A doctor stimulates the eggs of a female patient.

2. The doctor follows up to see the readiness of the eggs.

3. When the eggs have grown to the appropriate size. The doctor will give an injection to stimulate ovulation.

4. The male patient collects sperm in a container.

5. Doctors select healthy sperm.

6. Inject semen into the uterine cavity.

7. Allow fertilization to occur until it becomes an embryo.

Things to do after IUI

After completing IUI, before going into post-IUI symptoms, are you pregnant or not? Patients must behave correctly according to the doctor’s advice. To increase the success rate of IUI as follows:

1. During the first day, female patients should lie still. Move as little as possible. So that sperm can move into the fallopian tube better. Helps increase the chance of a successful pregnancy.

2. During the first 2-3 days after IUI, refrain from having sex. so as not to disturb the uterus Helps increase the chances of the embryo implanting better.

3. Take a pregnancy test yourself after approximately 2 weeks of IUI. This is when the test results are more accurate than earlier tests.

What will the symptoms be like after IUI and before getting pregnant?

1. Symptoms after IUI and before getting pregnant Some people may experience pain in the lower abdomen. This is due to ovulation and the uterus contracting from stimulation.

2. Symptoms after IUI and before getting pregnant Some people may have small amounts of blood. or can engorge the breast

3. Symptoms after IUI and before pregnancy, the patient may feel pain in the vaginal area. which if there is pain for a long time or have other abnormalities If this occurs, you must see a doctor immediately. Because complications may occur

What will the symptoms be like after getting IUI and getting pregnant?

Symptoms after having IUI and becoming pregnant are that you will have to check the pregnancy results and find that you are pregnant. From people who were unsuccessful in the first round of IUI and successful in the second round, they described symptoms after doing IUI and getting pregnant and not getting pregnant after doing it. There are different symptoms. The most obvious thing about pregnancy is missing your period. When taking a pregnancy test and finding out that she is pregnant

It was also found that some were pregnant through IUI, but pregnancy tests were not found as well. The reason is because of hormones that indicate pregnancy. The level may not have increased enough to be detected. At the same time, in some cases, it was found that some people were pregnant even though they were not pregnant. This is because the level of the HCG hormone injected to stimulate ovulation has not yet decreased. The pregnancy test therefore shows an incorrect result.

In summary, what are the symptoms after IUI and whether you are pregnant or not? Didn’t show any different symptoms However, a pregnancy test must be done to see if the results are successful or not. The pregnancy test must be taken at the appropriate time. That is about 2 weeks after IUI. If tested sooner than that, there is a high chance that the test kit will show inaccurate results. After checking for pregnancy with a test kit A blood test by a doctor will be the clearest way to determine if the pregnancy was successful or not. If it is found that after IUI the pregnancy was unsuccessful, It may be repeated but should not be repeated more than 6 times. After IUI is unsuccessful, the doctor will recommend further IVF. Because it increases the chance of a successful pregnancy higher than IUI.

2023-11-24 09:49:34

#symptoms #IUI #pregnant #BLT #Bangkok

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