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What Are the Steps to Form a Whatsapp Group?

Social networks are real means of exchange and reunion. They eliminate boundaries and promote personal and even group intercommunication. Thanks to this new group system, set up by WhatsApp, it is possible to unite all friends, former colleagues in a group in order to discuss everyone’s news. But how ?

Social networks, since their invention, have succeeded in bringing together people who lost their way many years ago. We have all heard testimonies of people who claim to have lost sight of friends very dear to their hearts and who finally managed to see them again thanks to the magic of social networks. Today, it is possible to go back one by one to a lost high school contact with the help of social networks.. This is the case of Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. As for WhatsApp, in addition to promoting exchanges in all forms, it allows create groups in which everyone can express themselves freely and give their news to the whole group. An option that is also widely used by the WhatsApp community. In this article, we show you how to create your group on this platform.

What is WhatsApp?

It is an application owned by Mark Zuckerberg, Founding President of Facebook and Instagram. In effect, WhatsApp is a cross-platform digital communication system that is primarily mobile-focused. Through this platform, you can make audio calls, video calls, write messages, send voice messages, post content, interact in groups. In addition, it is one of the most secure applications thanks to its end-to-end encryption system. Which means that even the designer and the owner of the platform cannot have access to your accounts and conversations. However, this information should be taken with a grain of salt. Because we know very well that the digital world is very “pervasive”. Nothing is free on digital.

Why create a WhatsApp group?

By betting on the implementation of this option, MarK Zuckerberg wants federate and facilitate exchanges between people from the same community. Because, rather than one person exchanging with 100 other accounts from the same community or association or company, you might as well create a group in order to bring them together with their consent. Thus, communication is easier and all members of the group receive information and news at the same time. Also, the other advantage of creating a WhatsApp group, it is to solidify friendship, family, community through exchanges, participation in events, support, and contributions from members. And, you have in real time, thanks to photos, information on an event whose members did not take part in it by mishap. This helps to animate the group and allow absentees to have photos of the event. Finally, the last advantages of a WhatsApp group include:

  • Support during a happy or unhappy event
  • Sharing the same values
  • Pre-birth of an association in favor of positive action
  • Sale of products and/or presentation of its products or its company
  • Job posting sharing
  • Invitation to events
  • Creation of events

For all these reasons, belonging to a WhatsApp group can be beneficial. However, it should also be mentioned that being a member of a WhatsApp group is not as great as it seems.

What are the disadvantages of a WhatsApp group?

Indeed, if you hate notifications, avoid groups. Because, in addition to being talkative, he is noisy due to notifications of conversations and other exchanges. A group of twenty active members can easily become very annoying with frantic exchanges. In less than 24 hours, you can find yourself with more than 300 notifications to manage (photo, voice note, message, call, video, news, etc.). And, most dramatically, some unnecessary conversations can drown out good information. Losing the thread of things. Also, not all members share the same values ​​as you. which can potentially lead to insults, frustrations, denigrations, value judgments, etc If despite these aforementioned elements, the adventure of a WhatsApp group tempts you, here is how to create the group.

How to create your WhatsApp group?

Creating WhatsApp group is very easy. By following these recommendations, you will manage to create your WhatsApp group. In fact, the first step to observe is tohave a WhatsApp account yourself. If you don’t have it, we invite you to download it from App Store ou Play Store.

How to create a WhatsApp account?

Then, click on “install”. When it’s done, open the platform. WhatsApp will ask you toindicate your geographic region in order to generate the country code and then let you enter your phone number. Indeed, WhatsApp only works with phone numbers. When done, a validation code will be sent to you. It is a 4 or 6 digit numeric value. Enter these numbers and validate. Your account has just been created. So invite your friends, brothers, sisters, colleagues, parents, friends, colleagues, sisters etc.. Next, we move on to creating WhatsApp group.

Focus on WhatsApp group creation

Beforehand, make sure that you have in your possession the telephone number of the people you are going to invite to the group. Then do this:

Go to your WhatsApp account

  1. Once on the home page, at the top right, you will see three dots aligned vertically. Press these points.
  2. Appears first in the drop-down list “New Group” for those who have already created a group and “Create a group” for those who have not yet created a group
  3. Directly, WhatsApp takes you to the list of your contacts who have a WhatsApp account.
  4. Choose the contacts who should join the group, then press the white arrow present in the small green circle at the bottom right to validate the selection.
  5. A new window will open asking you to name the group : For example “Former students of Terminal S at Lycée Jean-Mermoz
  6. Then, right next to the group title, you have a small circle with a camera. This circle allows you to choose the photo that will appear on the profile of the group.
  7. Finally, validate by pressing the small green circle at the bottom right.
  8. You have just finished creating your WhatsApp group.

Since WhatsApp has not instituted a restriction on the number of group creation, you can create as many as you want. and, the exercise remains the same.

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