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What are the similarities and differences between respiratory syncytial virus and mycoplasma infection with high incidence of respiratory diseases-News Center-Northern Network

Content summary:As the temperature gradually drops, many places have entered the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases. Hospitals across the country are actively responding and doing their best to ensure that patients receive medical treatment.

As the temperature gradually drops, many places have entered the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases. Hospitals across the country are actively responding and doing their best to ensure that patients receive medical treatment.

Various regions with high incidence of respiratory diseases have taken multiple measures to ensure that patients receive medical treatment

Chongqing: Increase medical staff to optimize medical treatment process

At 8 p.m., the reporter saw at the Children’s Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University that there were still many children and parents waiting for medical treatment.

Hu Lan, deputy director of the Medical Department of Children’s Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University:We are currently in the period of high incidence of respiratory tract infections in our pediatric department in autumn and winter. There are superinfections from multiple sources such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae and influenza viruses. Respiratory tract infections in our hospital now account for about 40% of all outpatient visits.

In order to provide timely treatment to pediatric patients, the hospital maximizes its diagnostic and treatment manpower and optimizes the process to reduce the patient’s treatment time. Doctors remind parents that if their children develop symptoms of respiratory diseases, they should be sent to the hospital promptly.

Hua Ziyu, Vice President of Children’s Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University:If the child has a persistent high fever, or even has convulsions, or has become mentally ill, or looks bad. Regardless of whether he has just fallen ill or has been ill for three or two days, he should go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible. For children under three months old, as long as their body temperature is not good in any aspect, they should go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible without waiting.

Jincheng, Shanxi: Increase inter-department scheduling staff for inpatient beds

In the past few days, the pediatric clinic of the Second People’s Hospital of Jincheng, Shanxi Province has also entered an “intense period” of work. The reporter saw at the hospital that there was an endless stream of children coming for treatment, many of whom were diagnosed with mycoplasma infection.

According to doctors, mycoplasma infections are more common in children over 5 years old. Among them, patients whose mycoplasma infection turns into pneumonia require hospitalization. Recently, the pediatric inpatient department of the hospital has always been full.

Si Yani, head nurse of pediatrics at the Second People’s Hospital of Jincheng City, Shanxi Province:In order to allow everyone to receive timely treatment, we have increased the number of beds from the original 60 to 90. The hospital has also sent us medical staff from other departments to support us.

Liaoning: TCM support for respiratory tract infections to promote recovery

In response to the recent high incidence of respiratory infections, experts suggest that treatment using a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine can also have good results.

Bai Xiaohong, director of pediatrics at the Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine:For example, you have mycoplasma and he has viral pneumonia. But they may have fever, cough, or cough with yellow phlegm, red tongue, and yellow coating. Then we can all use the same prescription to treat it. This is how Chinese medicine treats different diseases together.

Experts also suggest that after children recover from illness, they should eat a light diet, eat small meals frequently, and avoid large amounts of fish and meat. In addition, in order to prevent prolonged disease course and multiple infections, it is also crucial to ensure that children get adequate rest.

Bai Xiaohong, director of pediatrics at the Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine:Ingredients such as lilies, lotus seeds, wolfberries, white radish, and white fungus can all be chosen for children.

Experts explain in detail: Respiratory syncytial virus and mycoplasma infection

Among the currently high-incidence acute respiratory diseases, Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection and respiratory syncytial virus account for a large proportion. So what kind of infection or virus are these, and how can we prevent and treat them in a targeted manner? Come and hear the experts’ answers.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a common pathogen causing respiratory tract infections

Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection is one of the common respiratory diseases, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae, like viruses and bacteria, is a common pathogen causing respiratory tract infections. It is a microorganism between the size of bacteria and viruses. It is like not wearing a “coat” ” of bacteria.

Zhang Jun, Dean of the School of Public Health of Xiamen University:Mycoplasma pneumoniae is different from other bacteria in that it does not have a cell wall, so penicillins and cephalosporins that we generally use to kill bacteria on the cell wall have basically no therapeutic effect on mycoplasma.

Mixed with other infections Mycoplasma infection lasts or longer

According to experts, generally speaking, the clinical symptoms of mycoplasma infection are relatively mild, but if there is a mixed infection with other pathogens, or for people with low immunity, the mycoplasma infection will last longer and the severe symptoms will be more severe.

Respiratory syncytial virus is a common respiratory virus. The respiratory “syncytial” virus was given the name “syncytial” virus because the cells infected by the virus fuse together to form a large cell structure similar to a “syncytium”.

Both are spread through droplets and contact

What are the similarities and differences between respiratory syncytial virus and mycoplasma infection? First of all, respiratory syncytial virus and Mycoplasma pneumoniae are mainly transmitted through droplets and contact. After infection, upper respiratory tract infection symptoms such as fever, cough, nasal congestion, and runny nose may appear.

Respiratory syncytial virus is prevalent among infants and young children

Respiratory syncytial virus infection is more likely to be prevalent in infants and young children, and the symptoms of most infected children will disappear on their own within 1 to 2 weeks. At present, there are no specific antiviral drugs and treatments for patients with respiratory syncytial virus infection in China. Generally, symptomatic treatment such as conventional antiviral drugs and cough-reducing and phlegm-reducing drugs can improve the condition, but if symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing occur, you should seek medical treatment in time. So, is the respiratory syncytial virus epidemic season advanced this year?

Zhang Jun, Dean of the School of Public Health of Xiamen University:This year, judging from the current monitoring data, the prevalence of respiratory syncytial virus has not actually been found to be too obvious in advance. Because testing has become more popular, the feedback from hospitals is more timely, or more frequent, so everyone feels that it is a little earlier.

Neither is recommended for self-medication

Different from the symptoms of syncytial virus, after Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, the cough is more severe, the fever is mainly moderate to high fever, some patients also have wheezing, and the infection is also highly contagious. Doctors remind that self-medication is not recommended whether it is respiratory syncytial virus or mycoplasma infection.

2023-11-27 00:53:48
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