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What are the projects to be voted on in the New York general elections | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

the middle of the economic crisis.hope: thank you very much todamaris, we will be pending.the elections of theNovember 2 in New York.voters are not electto the mayor, but they decidedover five importantproposals.romel cabralesrica what are theyand the impact they could havein the communities.romy: for the elections of 2November, New York, andin addition to choosing yourlocal leaders shouldrespond to five proposals.a group of legislators andactivists held ainformation conferenceexplaining what each consists ofone of them.the first is about theredistrictingthat would impact thefederal and state.seek to limit the number to 63of state senators.>> to which others í, thefirst, third and fourthare to improve ourdemocracy, ensure thatdistricts to bedrawn anew at each levelof government, that reallycount on immigrants withoutimport immigration status.romy: established as rightindividual access to waterclean, clean air and ahealthy environment.was added to the declarationof the rights of theconstitution of the state.>> right now there is a corporationcorporations that are inagainst our right,because they are polluters ofenvironment and we musthave an avenue to make usresponsible.romy: would remove requirementto register to vote beforeof 10 ías of the eleccallowing enrollmentuntil the same day of the exthe elections.romy: people are allowedIt’s out of town, sickor disabled. Even though thisyear for the pandemic, allthey can request a ticketabsent. if theproposal, New Yorkers whothey wish, they can continuevoting by mail.>> the fact of being able to vote formail has been something to whichwe get used to thepandemic.romy: esá tratar los ímitesclaim for courtscivilians of the proposalmonetary claims incivil courts againyork to $ 50,000, allowingthe civil court hear casesthat are handled in courtsupreme.I would advance the processes

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